97 Columbia Heights For Sale
by wifibandit 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow. The lifestyle.
Village Idiot
You'll be sorely missed.
More condo's for a gentrified Brooklyn. Another example of the uncaring WTBS becoming part of the world's problems instead forming a solution to them. Why not donate the property to the city of NY to help solve the city's housing problems?
I remember as a kid thinking that was such holy ground. Like Mecca.
They are really doing it though!
Vacating the premises for their isolated compound (isolated relatively speaking compared to NYC) upstate.
Slidin Fast
An unmitigated appeal to materialistic lust for the fruits of wealth and success
Fire Sale...everything must go!
Yes, they are appealing to the very culture and lifestyle that has been criticised for over a century!
Hypocrisy at its finest!
Come on guys....and any witness defenders out there: tell me it's not true!
Yes, they are appealing to the very culture and lifestyle that has been criticised for over a century!
..I thought the same thing as I saw the Porsche being driven into the parking lot.
Good to see you back Wi fi, I have missed you lately.....unless it's me, of course...