This is why they pull the stunts they do. First, it was waste of paper distribution campaigns as news releases. When that didn't work, they started waste of paper distribution campaigns for Supreme Boasting Sessions, then Grand Boasting Sessions. And now, they are pulling the ultimate waste of money and time--and I remember hearing about it starting in the spring of 2015 when they had people going to Israel for 2 week missions. They are pulling that crap again, and hoping to make it a yearly event.
That is, a yearly burden. As if they don't have enough with pious-sneering, miserable jobs, the big and grand boasting sessions they already attend, and keeping up with doctrines that keep changing in meaningless ways. Back in the late 1980s, I could debate with a Pentecostal or born again xian. Yes, it would waste my time then. But try that today--they can't even hold their own against the weakest cat lick out there, let alone with those high ranking rabbis that are probably going to accept the littera-trash, gather it up, and use black magic on the whole human race using this rubbish as a vehicle to transmit the energy needed to enslave the whole human race.