Frozen lol!!!
How Many Masks Will You Wear?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
He literally had 4 masks on and I don’t think he could properly breathe.
And THAT is the plan. Too many people beginning to just live life, so now there has to be a plan to slowly suffocate people. I guess I don't mind though, as anyone foolish enough to buy into the multiple mask malarkey deserves to suffocate IMO.
As for me, NO MASK.
BTW, do not test your ability to taste by licking your finger. That would be icky.
Masks do work in situations where people are breathing on each other, but they have now become some sort of weird symbol of the Covid orthodoxy. I even see people alone in a car with masks, people walking in a park with masks. It's all theater.
I was watching a soccer game today. They make each team enter the field separately and line up with 6ft between players. Also bench players sit several seats from each other with masks. Then the game starts and there are 22 players grabbing each other all over the field. All safety theater, the kind that until now you only saw at the airports with the TSA nazis.
How are you going to take off a double or triple mask between bites when you eat or drink, or between puffs when you smoke? It is bad enough when we have to wear one mask and pull it briefly out of the way for this, or to remove one mask to wash up and replace one mask immediately after, or to change one mask. Having more than one mask just makes it that much harder.
And for what? Masks do no good, unless you are worried about dust (or, in the case of the N95, more serious diseases). Why don't people wear masks all the time in New York City for tuberculosis? That would make more sense, because you are dealing with a much worse disease. But for a cold? I personally would rather be somewhat sloppy in "protecting" me against this, along with taking quercetin and zinc. That would allow the coronavirus itself to "vaccinate" me without the shots, wasting all that time, and the dangerous side effects of the actual shots. This means zero masks, either for myself or for anyone else (the quercetin and zinc render the virus about as dangerous as a regular cold, if that).
I will simply wear the one mask where required--and no more. No masks when in a place where it is unlikely to be near other people. No masks when traveling alone (by bicycle or on foot, or alone in a car). No masks on the sidewalk, unless I see congestion ahead where there is a good chance of being within 6 feet of others for a prolonged time (say, a minute or so). No masks when I am at work, and the business is closed for business. If they start making multiple masks mandatory, I will simply get masks that have multiple masks printed on them to look like 2, 3, or more masks. They do no good, and I would rather take my chances with the virus (and my vitamins that make it just about harmless).
Don't forget your goggles.
We rightly call out the GB for their bullshit.
We need to call out the shit that doesn't make sense,with ALL so called authority.......the reason it doesn't make because it's all nonsense.
Blind obedience to a perceived authority is what's walking us off this cliff.
We've been conditioned to "trust the experts" just as JW's are told trust the GB and elders.
They are using our emotions also.....getting out old military establishment guys.......making them out to be a hero.......(don't mention giving them a holiday to Barbados while everybody else is stuck at home....brush brush)......getting us all to clap for care workers and the NHS......
All the while......we stand idly by and let our businesses get flushed down the cant attend a loved ones funeral.....cant visit family.....
People are obedient to their abusers to the very end though........ever watched footage of Jewish people about to get killed by the Nazis?
And the Nazis tell them to run to the edge of the ditch to get shot?.....and they DO all run......obedient sheep to the DEATH!
The whole world right now is a massive cult.........full of virtual signalling,shit scared,order followers.
And if they ever told those order followers that the problem is the non-compliant....or the anti-vaxxers (they are the ones stopping us from getting back to normal).....they could get those folks to turn on them in a minute.....just as our closest family members turned on us once we started questioning the cult.
Doctor Nazi I mean Doctor Fauci..Lol
Even more ridiculous is the wearing of gloves.
You can't catch the virus through your skin, but you can catch it just as easily from touching contaminated surfaces with the glove as you can your hand and then unconsciously touching your face (which you do 10-20 times every hour).
So much of this has just become political correctness.
I have what is called MCS or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Basically, I'm allergic to most pollutants in the air. I'm allergic to most types of smoke, but particularly all the cigarettes, e-cigs, vapes, and pot smokes and I'm most allergic to wood burn. This has been a tough year, having lived in Denver during one of the worst burn seasons on record. I have had this for decades. I have a mask that has a filter that works with chemicals which are smaller than particles. It is a stronger filter than the N95. It is expensive. The mask is 75$ and the filters are 15$ each. The particulate filters are cheaper. All of those protect against Covid.
The medical masks and gaiters and bandanas that people wear will not protect them from Covid. Never have, never will. They will mitigate the risks nominally. Wearing multiples of these masks will do nothing more than wearing one will do. They will make it harder to breath and to be understood when talking.
What would actually do some good is if people would wash their hands with soap and water more often, whenever they have the chance of catching germs from transference. That means that if you touch a surface after someone with a contagion touches that surface and the contagion is still potentially alive. The chemical process of turning soap into bubbles actually destroys Covid. So, the best thing to do is wash your hands with soap and water after touching a surface that could carry a contagion. It really is that simple. And this has been the truth of it for centuries. It is nothing new. This is how contagions spread.
What wearing a mask in public does, is to encourage people to be considerate of others and to take precautions. When someone wears a mask you don't know if they are contagious and you are more likely to wash your hands after being near them and you are more likely to keep your distance from them. We have been conditioned for these behaviors for decades. So, again, it isn't anything new.
If everyone wears a mask, then people will take precautions around people they don't know, and who could be infectious. That is the most we need to do. Because Covid is a virus. It is the same as other viruses we have been around. We all learned how to live with HIV/Aids. We all learned how to live with other viruses. And we will learn to live with Covid.
Quite frankly, the US is way behind other countries when it comes to taking precautions against infections. You see it in TV shows and movies from other cultures. Because of this, people are being stupid. They are getting riled up with fear because they don't know what they should already know about sickness. Nothing we are learning right now is new. Not one bit of it. If you want to know what to do, educate yourself on what sickness is, how it works, and how to mitigate the risks. Stop acting like it is a conspiracy because you are being asked to do things you should have been doing anyway. And be smart enough to know when what you are being asked to do is stupid and being encouraged by morons. Yes, even governments can feed into fearmongering and get stupid.
Everything in moderation.