Mrs Pants wants me to post Bald Headed Woman
Post Your Favorite Misheard Lyrics
by APieceOfShitNamedTate 26 Replies latest social humour
Pants of Righteousness
And my mother in law thought that Billy Ocean was saying “go and get stuffed” instead of the line “when the going gets tough”...
Pants of Righteousness
And Depeche Mode’s “I just can’t get enough” can be misheard as “I just can’t get it up”.
Pants of Righteousness
Two chickens to paralyse. (Excellent guitar riff)
"Hail the Theocracy ever increasing, wondrous expansion is now taking place .........."
I always misheard that.
It should be "wondrous contraction is now taking place ........."
Rub a Dub
compound complex
A mondegreen is a word or phrase that results from mishearing or misinterpreting a statement or song lyric. Also known as an oronym.
The term mondegreen was coined in 1954 by American writer Sylvia Wright and popularized by San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll. The term was inspired by "Lady Mondegreen," a misinterpretation of the line "hae laid him on the green" from the Scottish ballad "The Bonny Earl o Moray."
Here is one that's a little different. It's a Britney Spears song called "If U Seek Amy". Get it?
If U Seek Amy = F-U-C-K MEDid a fifth grade boy right that song, pure stupidity and silliness.