Elaine from the bunker video

by jookbeard 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jookbeard

    Does anyone know anything about the luscious Elaine? is she a professional actress or just a member of the R&F recruited to be a member of the cast of this video? the pout,olive skin stunning looks make my heart miss a beat every time I see this beauty. The quote from Al Pacino from the movie Scent of a Woman " hey son have you ever put your face into a sea of curls?" an endearing image.

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  • tiki

    Really? If you don't have one, you need to get yourself a cute little puppy to lavish your love on....

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  • konceptual99

    According to our friendly, local Bethel branch committee speaker at the recent RC I attended in the UK, all the actors are untrained Witnesses.

    What they do have, however, is a sister who was/is a "Hollywood acting coach" and she provides coaching advice to the untrained minions. When this was mentioned there were audible "mmmmms" of approval in the area I was sitting in. Since then I have listened to people saying how it can only be Jehovah's organisation that such a thing can happen, he blesses all the arrangements etc. etc. etc....

    The fact that acting coaches in Hollywood are only exceeded in their number by wanna be actors working in restaurants seems to escape the majority of people. This person may be pretty good and have worked in the industry but hardly unique.

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  • stuckinarut2

    So if an official Acting Coach was hired, it doesn't say much for her skill set!

    The acting is atrocious in those videos!

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  • ToesUp

    She's beautiful but she suffers from "negative feelings." She has flaws and no prospective JW wife should have flaws (so they say). lol

    The reality is she is probably on anti depressants and feels much better, giving all praise to Jah.

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  • sir82

    The reality is she is probably on anti depressants

    Interesting point. How long are those JWs going to be hanging out in the bunker? How are they going to get their Xanax?

    Maybe Jehovah will send it just like the manna. Every morning, the JWs will wake up to find a pill underneath their pillow.

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  • Iamallcool

    If she leaves the cult, she could be a famous and rich actress.

  • Iamallcool

    Send the video to Hollywood, they might offer her some roles.

  • Iamallcool

    Stuckinarut2, she still have the looks to be a hollywood actress and she could be trained by a much better acting coach.

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  • FedUpJW

    Send the video to Hollywood, they might offer her some roles.

    I imagine "Elaine Does FedUp" might be okay. Okay, I'm sorry to anyone I might have offended

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