I’m not saying if you are or were an elder you are dumb. I’m simply saying there are a lot of dumb elders that I have known.
Dumb Elders
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
stan livedeath
i think its a lot more basic. |Most elders are married--whether they are intelligent, successful and wealthy--or not. They all have that one thing in common--being married.
And wives know they are sitting on a gold mine.
I'm going to say not to my recollection.
The intelligence level seemed to be commensurate with the area they were in. Low income areas had less educated elders than the elders from educated areas.
I do wonder about one elder that i knew that was literally a rocket scientist. I suspect he just liked the culture but didn't necessarily believe it. And he seemed like the type that could entertain himself during the meetings while still looking like he was paying attention. In reality if you are married how hard is it to stay out of trouble as a JW.
I studied with a heart specialist who was a millionaire as he invented a product for heart surgery. He was very down to earth and brilliant. He liked the attention he got and as far as I know he’s still a baptized JW. He believed blood was lethal and this pretty made him famous in Watchtower world.
You can be very smart in one way and lack common sense in another. I seen alot of bright elders and some that you would question how far their head is up their azz.
joey jojo
To remain loyal to a destructive cult with a record of failures means that you have to have lower than average intelligence, or you have to be dishonest.
When I lived in NYC most of our elders were bethelites, they were well versed, don't know if they all stayed. A few years ago I saw one of them on the Faith in Action video, he was portraying Jonas Wendell.
When I lived in Jersey, they were all idiots who could hardly read!
I remember at elder’s school, a former Bethelite couldn’t take it anymore and announced to the instructors and fellow elders that he was a chronic masturbator and he had to express his guilt over his “secret sin”. You could’ve heard a pin drop.
Ha ha. Nice. I feel like I would have wanted to publicly ask him what his definition of “chronic,” in this context, meant.
Did he also think his vice was becoming noticeable, as each time he went to the eye doctor, he came away with a higher prescription?
You can be very smart in one way and lack common sense in another.
Here is a prime example: Mitt Romney, a Mormon... who are wackier than Jehovah's Witnesses. How can Mr. Romney, a person that makes an insane amount of money, really believe in this made-up religion that a person with half a brain would never join?
Аѕ оf Dесеmbеr 2020, Rоmnеу hаѕ аn еѕtіmаtеd nеt wоrth оf $280 mіllіоn. Не hаѕ mаdе mоѕt оf hіѕ fоrtunе wіth hіѕ саrееr аѕ аn еntrерrеnеur аnd роlіtісіаn.
The masturbating elder said he felt guilty over the secret sins discussion at school. After the lunch break the instructor mentioned that the situation has been dealt with and for us to make sure we kept our meeting confidential. I remember going back to my car after that day and thinking “ what a dumbass”.