Watchtower talking bad about other religions

by asp59 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truth_b_known

    "I did some research on your religion" is code for "I read what the Watchtower says about your religion."

    If you want truth, go to the source. Stop asking plumbers questions on your home's electrical system.

    In addition, the Watchtower cannot be trusted to answer questions about its own religion honestly either.

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  • Gman2001

    The claim that Jehovah chose them as his a myth. Big claims require big proof and they have none.

  • Vidiot

    At this point, the entire WTHQ is made of figurative glass.

    If they're still dumb enough to chuck stones, that's on them.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    What makes the WT talking (and writing) bad about other religions especially bad is that now the WT is doing some of the things which the WT sharply criticized the other religions for doing!

    The WT criticized the Catholic church for having "... an exalted hierarchy with the pope at its head" (See page275 of the WT book from 1951 called What Has Religion Done for Mankind?) Yet the WT has a hierarchy of assistants to ministerial servants, ministerial servants, elders, traveling overseers, and the governing body. The governing body now even claims to be the sole constituent of the "faithful and discreet slave"!

    The WT used to criticize the Catholic church for having a religious order, but now the WT literally has a religious order!

    The WT criticized the Catholic Church for practicing excommunication but the WT now directs JW elders to disfellowship many JWs (though the WT and the JW elders don't prevent ex-JWs and other non-JWs from partaking of the memorial emblems).

    The WT criticizes Christendom for "flat rejection of the real kingdom of the Seed of God's woman" (see page 299 of the What Has Religion Done for Mankind? book) but it tells JWs that no more than 144,000 of all JWs who ever lived (not counting Christ) became part of the new covenant with Jesus Christ! The WT discourages JWs from believing they are part of the new covenant and born again (and born from above), despite what the Christian Greek Scriptures teach!

    Gman2001, you are right in saying the following. "The claim that Jehovah chose them as his a myth. Big claims require big proof and they have none." For example, so many of the WT's books make mythical claims regarding the significance of what happened to the WT in 1918 and 1919, not just to what they claim happened in heaven in 1914.


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