Another Apostate "lie" is that disobeying the Watchtower manmade rules can lead to one being disfellowshipped and shunned to the extreme, even by family members.
What are the maim lies Apostates tell about Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brock Talon
Another "lie" is that they discourage their members from getting higher education.
That the 1975 debacle actually happened. As l found out when l had my " discussion " on Quora .
These Apostate lies are excellent!
That the Watchtower Society was an NGO of the United Nations for 10 years ending in 2001.
It's funny how they always say to avoid the apostate lies but never once listed one. So they have to lie about the lies!
Collecting Apostate lies.
What are the main lies Apostates tell about Jehovah's Witnesses?
That's easy! Perhaps you can add some more.
Apostates lie when they say:
a. that people are not free to leave their religion
b. that they shun anyone who leaves their organization.
c. that they will let their children die rather than allowing them to have a blood transfusion.
d. that there is serious child sex abuse within the organization.
e. that the organization tries to cover up cases of child sex abuse.
f. that pedophiles within the organization are protected from discipline if there are not at least two witnesses to the alleged abuse.
g. that they have made multiple false Armageddon predictions
h. that the Society does not help or give aid to the poor.
i. that changing the definition of the 1914 generation was a desperation move because most of those alive in 1914 are either dead or dying.
j. they are a very strict high control cult
k. that their leaders in New York have endless rules on just about every aspect of life including bedroom matters
l. that disobeying Watchtower Society manmade rules can lead to one being disfellowshipped and shunned to the extreme, even by family members.
m. that they discourage their members from getting higher education.
n. that the 1975 debacle actually happened
o. that the Watchtower Society was an NGO of the United Nations for 10 years ending in 2001.
That they won't look at evidence which shows the Watchtower is wrong about anything.
JWs are told that for almost 40 years before 1914, Charles Russell foretold that that the year 1914 was going to be the establishment of the heavenly kingdom and the beginning of the last days would begin. Another WT lie. That teaching didnt become truth till the 1930's. Prior to that, 1874 was the year the heavenly kingdom had been setup and the last days started way back in 1799.
Another Apostate lie:
that the translators of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures had no proficiency in either Hebrew or Greek.