Read this Pretty Good Advice!
by Iamallcool 15 Replies latest jw friends
Can we make that a mural next to every KH?
Sounds like passing the buck on personal responsibility. Blaming others for what you do. Everyone can think of bad things that have happened to them as justification for doing bad things back.
A more life affirming meme is, Despite what others have done to me, I will pick myself back up and not let myself let anger rule my life.
Pete Zahut
Sounds like passing the buck on personal responsibility. Blaming others for what you do. Everyone can think of bad things that have happened to them as justification for doing bad things back.
I'm not seeing it that way.
I'm seeing someone who is taking personal responsibility by walking away from the drama of a given situation and because he has done so, those he walked away from are condemning him.
Instead of returning to the drama by blaming anyone or justifying his actions or getting back at anyone, he chooses peace by staying out of the conflict altogether.
In this forum I'd say that this is referring to a former JW who left the religion and has been made out to be a demonic apostate by his former friends and family for having done so.
Instead of being nasty back to them, he chooses to say noting one way or the other about his personal decision and has chosen to stay out of the drama they've created.
Iamallcool :
Pete Zahut: I see it that way also.
I disagree with and dislike that quote. I believe some would call doing what the quote says "taking the high road". It seems that many feel that taking the high road is walking away, being nice, avoiding confrontation. I don't see it that way.
To me, the high road is the noble, just road. Taking it doesn't always mean being a pacifist or passively walking away or being nice. To me, it sometimes requires action and confrontation; it requires pointing out wrongs and injustices. It requires action to defend self. It requires fighting.
JWs have said some really bad, false things about me. The org ruined my life in ways most of you on this site won't even be able to fully understand. It is deceptive and evil. JWs are smug and condescending. They have a "look at us", self-righteous attitude, yet they and the org run from debate and tough questions.
I could never 'be at peace with myself' without confronting the org that took my life and without showing the ignorant JWs who speak negatively of me how much they really know. The only thing that has kept me from doing so already is the fact that I work many hours just to survive, sleeping in my car most nights when I work out of town (thanks JWdom).
Sorry, I just love justice and can't wait until I can actively pursue it. That quote is just too goody goody for me.
Pete Zahut
To me, the high road is the noble, just road. Taking it doesn't always mean being a pacifist or passively walking away or being nice. To me, it sometimes requires action and confrontation; it requires pointing out wrongs and injustices. It requires action to defend self. It requires fighting.
I see your point but when I read the MEME, I assumed that passivity wasn't the issue and that a discussion or confrontation of some sort had taken place. A line was drawn in the sand at some point and that's when a "monster" was made of the person who spoke up for him or herself or made their true intentions known. I also assumed that an amicable agreement could not be reached. According to the Meme, when that happens, it's better to walk away from the ensuing drama and be at peace with oneself rather than continue to fight an losing battle.
For a former JW, it's nearly impossible to get anyone to change their mind before they're ready to. No matter how well intentioned one is, forcing others to see things your way, typically makes things worse.
(P.S. I wasn't the one who "disliked" your well thought out comment.)
I appreciate your thoughts (as usual), and I think your point is valid. I think we are thinking about two different concepts/situations.
Perhaps I got side-tracked by this line: "Let them deal with what they created". I had assumed it was referring to the person who walked away. I see I misread it. My bad.
It's just a meme fgs