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by breakfast of champions 144 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
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I just cannot see a law firm running ad's like this without getting their ducks in a roll. Making sure they have sure they have a nail tight case. These lawyer's are not stupid, they know as soon as the ad's hit that they are going to be counter sued by Watchtower legal.
I know some want to be expert's and know what will happen and that this is just another act of fertility as they feel this law firm will not secede.
Maybe throwing a wet blanket on this thread, saying there is no way this will work, maybe they are right it's just stupid to hope justice will ever prevail.
For now I just really want to believe that this law firm is not that stupid, they knew before they placed their ad's who they were going against. I just really want to believe in the long run that evil will not trump justice.
freddo - "Is Richard Oliver a sock-puppet for Fisherman? Or vice versa?"
It would definitely explain a lot.
They'd both have each other's hands up the other's ass.
My Name is of No Consequence - "How long before the org has to sell off properties in Warwick to offset more claims?"
Ten bucks says Walkill and Patterson go first.
I am presenting actual facts here. One person on another thread said that this would be like a painting by numbers, so easy and such a easy slam dunk. Like I have said, obviously these firms feel they can win some cases, but it is not going to be easy to win. There are two things they have to prove first that abuse did occur which is a matter of fact that the jury has to decide. But there is theatter of liability which a judge will have to determine, as a matter of law, if Watchtower, had a fiduciary responsibility, a duty to warn and a duty to protect. That is why watchtower wins a lot of cases at the summary judgment level because they can show the judge that they didn't have any of those duties. On a previous thread someone posted a link to a Boston college law journal article. There are certain parts of you take alone sound like it is really easy to win, but the argument was, that religions cannot be held responsible for the actions of their members when their members are not performing religious activities as part of the religions faith and belief system. The determination of the judge as to the matters of the law is what will be hard to get past.
RO: ...That is why watchtower wins a lot of cases at the summary judgment level because they can show the judge that they didn't have any of those duties.
heehee...and ain't it grand how the ARC has revealed previously unknown documents that blow that shit out of the water. Hahaha! They can't do that anymore, now, can they?
Lol! I got my morning chuckle of the day, Richard. Thank you for that. Keep showing up
Like I have said, obviously these firms feel they can win some cases, but it is not going to be easy to win.
And not all law firms are the same - some are good, some are not so good, some are excellent, very excellent
Who knows what would have happened to those previous cases if Weitz & Luxenber had been involved in them?
But we do know that Weitz & Luxenber have a wikipedia page and interestingly Erin Brockovich works with the company - yeah you know that Erin Brockovich, as in Julia Roberts who won the Oscar for playing Erin Brockovich in the accalimed film called 'Erin Brockovich'
Darkspilver. I agree with you not all law firms or lawyers are made equal some are better than others. But the lawyers now have to live with the persuasive and mandatory precedents that lesser lawyer helped set as case law.
interestingly Erin Brockovich works with the company - yeah you know that Erin Brockovich, as in Julia Roberts who won the Oscar for playing Erin Brockovich in the accalimed film called 'Erin Brockovich' -- DARKSPILVER
I had no idea. That is wild! Thanks for sharing the info.
Again, as long as they suck WT dry and do right by their clients, good for them.
And as far as the speculation as to what precedent there is for suing or how successful lawsuits are, time will tell. Let's see what happens.
Just the notoriety SUCKS for WT.
They're all about appearances, and this doesn't appear to be so great.
I am just really hoping that this is truly the tip of the iceberg. -- LITS
Aren't we all!