Every so often, I'll read on the board how some just hate JW's. Whether it's the individuals or the organization, some vehemently abhor everything connected to Jehovah's Witnesses. I do not personally hate anyone. Even those that post pro-Watchtower or pro-Society, I do not necessarily dislike. But I do think that it is right, proper and good to EXPOSE the JW religion for what it REALLY is. It is just another false religion. So when persons defend the Witnesses, I feel they should be given an opposing view, especially on this discussion board. Do you agree?
I Don't Hate JW's. I Just Think They're Wrong
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
I don't hate people that are Witnesses, for I have known plenty of good loving Witnesses. Although, obviously, I have known many assholes as well, which can be expected anywhere.
However, it annoys me to see people defending them. The religion is false, and look at the amount of families it has destroyed and child abusers it has covered up. I have no time for Watchtower apologetics.
Sometimes I think people confuse the real issue, (knowingly or unknowingly) by thinking that when we give a rebuttal to a pro-Wt. argument that we're actually trying to attack the person behind the message. Then the point gets obscured and the thread degenerates into defending the poster.
Minimus/Hamas I'd like to thank you for all the great info you post and Hamas thats a great website bro.
Have you seen Night of the living dead..When mindless zombie's terrize a town and bang on doors until they break them down then thery eat your brain and you become one too.
Its the WTBTS control over the minds of all its followers in a similar fashion which drives most people nuts. I have seen non-JW people who I could only refer to as kind and loving flip out when JW comes into the discussion...At the time I thought how sad...now I pretty much understand their frustration.
I don't hate anyone inparticular...I hate that it blocks the thinking process...I hate that children are taught to hate anyone who is not a JW...I hate that children are taught God will hate them if they disobey JW rules....I despise the fact that JW teachings have made the bible invalid to me and many others...If nothing else it should be a book that could be studied for the principles of love and mercy that Jesus taught instead they have tainted it with their lies.
Shotgun, I do remember that movie. Good comparison.....Now, I know that when some people see you make that type of comparison, it gives them fits.
Hating "blocks the thinking process". You are right! Those that always hate are usually so filled with anger that they can't think straight. I "hate" that!
I have a perfectly clear mind and i do hate witnesses.It is something they taught me to do. It was not by choice but by their actions that gave me the hate i have for them and their cult minds.Wrong is a child stealing from a store.The jws let their own die ,rape,steal,lie etc.They rip apart families and cause some to commit suicide.They are not wrong ,they are a evil cult.
I think most of the ones I've known are pitiful examples of christians . I got away from them before I started hating them . Some of the doctrine from the WT I can agree with as far as being scriptural but they do use mind control and distort facts and reasoning so that the talking heads in brooklyn can appear to have some sort of piousness and authority that deserves the entire worlds attention and immediate obeyance . They are human beings that are no greater or less than anyone else on the planet , I am not interested in worshipping an organization. I don't want to be a zombie. lol
Hating JW's isn't good for you.
hating ANYONE isn't good for you.