The whole thing is a crock. We have far worse diseases to worry about, yet those never result in closing everything down. Did they close everything down or enforce face masks and "social(??)" distancing, with vaccinations enforced with RFID chips, for tuberculosis? Go into New York City, and you are more likely to come out with tuberculosis than anything else--yet that never resulted in locking everyone down or keeping everyone apart.
And, if I had to pick which illness between coronavirus or tuberculosis to catch, I would rather by a long shot coronavirus. That is actually easier to cure, if we didn't have these regulatory agencies keeping the truth out. Every time something works, they find something to get it banned. Hydroxychloroquine? Too dangerous--even though it was used for malaria for more than 60 years. (And it works, if taken with zinc.) Quercetin? No good--again, taking this natural bioflavonoid will cost the drug companies billions and ruin the narrative that only a vaccine, enforced with microchipping, is good enough.
Try that with tuberculosis.