I replied that christians constantly make claims about the real world. Therefore it is reasonable to ask for scientific evidence to support those claims.
I admit Christians make a lot of nonsense claims. Actually I can only defend the official claims made by Catholic Church. Most of the christian denominations have serious logical flaws in their very fundamentals (like sola scriptura for instance).
There are physical evidences about Eucharist miracles (like Buenos Aires miracle) but they can't be called scientific evidence because repeatability.
Repeatability is the great science limit because we know there are rare events in the universe.
Scientism doesn't make any difference between the types of evidence. Their default evidence is the scientific one to anything.
We will all die just once so it's impossible to talk about death as first person experience in scientific terms.
But humans are very knowledgeable beings and they are not limited by scientific method to get knowledge from the universe.
That's alone must be considered when the vast majority of humans have a very intuitive knowledge about life after death. This is testimonial evidence and is accepted in Law for instance.
I don't need to prove to you this intuitive knowledge. I'm sure you have it. If you think about your own death someway somehow your mind tells you that's not the end.
How to explain this intuition only by evolution? Where are the evolutionary traces of this human feature in other species?