Goodbye my friends.

by StephaneLaliberte 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • StephaneLaliberte

    flipper, you are so right. I really thought I would be able to be special and not return like so many, but, here we are :smile:

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  • Giordano
    I don't see any points in simply being quiet on a subject that keeps affecting my own life.

    Well said StephaneLaliberte I hadn't thought about that aspect before. Thanks.

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  • Diogenesister

    I'm very glad to see you again! 😘Glad you are safe and well, too. I think the cartoon avatar is a great idea, actually quite a few people do it. I'm guessing you'd just need some video editing software?

    We human beings are funny even though we only see an avatar we get very attached!

    Flipper do you know where, how Outlaw is ? Anyone? I miss him.

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  • StephaneLaliberte

    I wonder about Outlaw as well... we haven't seen him in a few months...

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  • cofty

    Hi Steph welcome back.

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  • JustHuman14

    I left the forum for few years, but i guess I'm back now, i don't post like before, but I like from time to time to pop in and see how my old friends are doing and post also my experiences.

    So anytime come back and share with us your thoughts


  • skin

    I realized that, until I can publically tell all my old acquaintances why I have left, I will never be truly free.

    Don't worry. The JW rumor mill would have already spread around all your JW friends with some far fetched made up story for the reason you left. Not sure if your old acquaintances would be interested in the real reason you left since they have the approved WT version of why you and others leave.

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  • Gorbatchov

    I left a few times 😐


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  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    Stephane, maybe you could whip up a few vids with the Quebec French Canadian JW culture / slant ? You know the sort of crazy Catholics on steroids way they tend to be ? There's isn't much apostate material out there for us Ex JW Québecois.. Just saying that would be so cool if ever you decide to go that route.

    Anyhow ice to have you back, mon frère ! HeHe ( the French Canadian Congs. make a big deal out of calling everyone Frère and Soeure so and so etc. Too funny !! )


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