I would assume the GB or branches are analyzing this the same way as businesses are, weighing the risk versus reward of reopening.
Some businesses have the majority of their employees working from home and have been surprised how amazing things have gone from a productivity and revenue generating standpoint. With those types, to have everyone return into office buildings, there is high risk and very low reward.
With JWs and being at meetings, you will have several older ones at high risk and for what reward? The same spiritual food can be taken in from home on Zoom. And no doubt if they reopen, they will have to encourage all who don’t feel safe going out, to stay home and join by calling in or if Zoom is still an option. You will have many do that and the ones attending in person will probably be discouraged seeing the KH so empty.
In my view, the reward has to far outweigh the risk to have things go back to normal. I don’t feel that will happen until everyone is vaccinated or we test everyone and they have antibodies. The only other way the reward would be higher than the risk is if the internet went out. Boy, wouldn’t that be incredible, truly an end of the world scenario!
i know this topic is about the door to door work, so I went a little off topic about the KHs. But I’m assuming they are going through this thought process for both things.