Jehovah's Witnesses Do Not Believe in Freedom of Religion

by xjwsrock 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xjwsrock

    This statement may seem odd at first. You may think of Jehovah's Witnesses as being an American religion in a country where freedoms exist and are prized. You may think of the organization's legal battles in the Supreme Court to protect certain rights and freedoms. This is true, but it is only part of the story.

    Freedom of Religion - Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion/business want to be in a country that has freedom of religion simply so they can operate freely and recruit freely. They DO NOT extend this freedom to their membership. Once a member of their group, you no longer have the right to practice religion as you see fit. You are obligated to practice religion according to their long list of rules and doctrines. You cannot, for instance, believe only partially in Jehovah's Witness dogma. You are either all in or you are all out. Literally.

    But the real proof that they actually DO NOT believe in a person's religious freedom is this: they do not allow a member to change religions or to formally stop practicing the religion without severe, abusive penalties.

    Jehovah's Witness leadership will ostracize, demean, and vilify a person for leaving the group. This is done regardless of the person's reasons, sincerity, or character . This treatment is given even if the person simply no longer wants to be religious.

    With very few exceptions, members are not allowed to even speak to former members.

    So Jehovah's Witnesses believe that citizens should have the freedom to JOIN their religion but then not have the freedom to LEAVE.

    This is HYPOCRISY of the highest order. This is a DOUBLE STANDARD. This is ABUSIVE. This is ANTI-FREEDOM.

    It is my opinion that a government should not allow a religion to operate, and in turn protect that religion's freedom to assemble, evangelize, and recruit, unless that religion extends freedom to its membership to dis-join or leave. It should be considered a breach of human rights.

    What do you think?

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  • Simon

    Most religions only believe in freedom of their religion but they will stand up for general freedom with others if they perceive it as a threat to their own existence. They are hypocrites. Remember, they think other religions are tools of Satan ...

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  • freemindfade

    Its true, they champion themselves as defenders of the right to practice whatever religion you chose, but deny it to members.

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  • Saename

    I couldn't agree more. Even though I am a weak atheist—that is, I will not tell others that God doesn't exist—I have an extreme opinion in regards to Jehovah's Witnesses. I do not think that this organisation should be allowed to operate in any country. All Jehovah's Witness practices should be deemed illegal because they are extremely abusive and damaging. Maybe Jehovah's Witnesses are right... Maybe one day the governments will turn against them. I surely hope so.

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  • Londo111

    Agreed on the OP.

    "Freedom of religion" seems to grant freedoms more to religious organizations than to individual religious adherents. Cults take advantage of this.

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  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    Barbara Anderson has a great talk that she gives written out on her website Barbara Andersons Watchtowerdocuments :

    She mentions that they used to fight for freedom from oppressors, and have now become 'The Oppressors'

    Thank-you Barbara love you guys !

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  • undercover

    You know it's scam religion when the leadership is more concerned with Jimmy Swaggert's tax issues than they are with (true) freedom of (any) religion for it's own members.

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  • steve2

    Their views on religious freedom have always emphasized the freedom of the group to practice the beliefs of the religion. They have never espoused the individual's freedom and certainly their Supreme Court victories were for the freedom of the group, organization, corporation, to practise its beliefs.

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  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you. Jehovah's Witnesses believe in freedom of religion for themselves. They have no tolerance for anybody else's views. Just like Islam.

    If either of these religions were running the planet, it would be nothing less than a worldwide dictatorship.

  • sparrowdown

    I know the WT has no problem calling out all other christian religions as being "false" mainly focusing over the years on hellfire, the trinity, and God's name etc but I cannot remember a single article criticizing Islam.

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