Society's list of publications to trash ASAP!
by RolRod 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i officially need glasses.
Interesting. Most are "discard," but some are "destroy." Sounds just a bit paranoid.
it's a book burning.
Down the memory hole
JW GoneBad
This communique from 'Mother' to discard/destroy old worthless WT books & publications reminds me of the words of Ecclesiastes 12:11,12:
"(11)The words of the wise are like oxgoads, and their collected sayings are like firmly embedded nails; they have been given from one shepherd. (12) As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh."
New & old Watchtower publications are indeed wearisome to the flesh!
Beth Sarim
No Freaking Damn way AM I throwing-away any personal items which I spent my time talking to people about.
As Kimmy Brooks says ''mine''. I couldn't agree with her more. Tough. My personal items.. Too bad. Tough. Mine. Over my dead cold-hands So there
Seems to me that “The Troof” is unrecognisable from what us old-timers remember.
So much “new light” has been shed on what musta been darkness previously.
So does that mean that converts to dubdom, say 20 years ago, were actually learning falsehood? Were they really apostate?
Very confusing for those looking on.
...but some are to "destroy"."
A book to destroy is "Go, make disciples baptizing them" This book might have falle from grace because of the baptism formula that was taught to millions of older Jehovahs witnesses prior to 1985, in which everbody was baptized in the name of the Holy spirit. Does not Jehovah owe an apology? No, eternal destruction, even of books is his way of resolving problems it the books are not following the everchanging light.
I wear glasses but that is still to blurry to read, any clearer list of those publications?