@RocketMan: if the police tried to apprehend a suspect but had to let him go because he “resisted”, first of all, nobody would ever go to jail and second, who would be held responsible when they victimized someone else?
Because guess what the media would be saying: 12yo black kid shot by gang member because racist police let him go.
If you don’t want to get shot, don’t fight with police, it’s simple, they are better than you at both fighting and shooting, they trained for it. No sane person would think they can win.
And yes, it is legal for the police to shoot someone who presents an immediate danger to themselves or the public. That classifies anyone trying to run away in a car, anyone with outstanding warrants for weapons charges, anyone with a gun, a knife or other weapon.
The fact not more criminals get shot is a wonder in and of itself. What would you do if you’re standing face to face with a hardened criminal twice your size and with known weapons and a violent history? I would squeeze the trigger as soon as I got a clear shot. And that has been every moronic criminal the media has drug up so far: Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and every “say his name” were active criminals, resisting the police in their legal duties and actively tried to kill or hurt the police while they were being apprehended.