
by neat blue dog 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    I would NEVER have wanted the ‘privilege’ of having them over!!

    After all their talk of knocking responsible people such as myself who worked full-time who didn’t ‘pioneer’ - and encouraging others in the congregation to not invite or to shun - there’s No way they would ever get a morsel of MY food. There’s no forgiveness really.. I wouldn’t be Retired if I listened to these people.

    I don’t give a sh#t if there was a pandemic or any other catastrophe.

    You just don’t get to criticize and call people names like ‘unspiritual’ or ‘materialistic’ because they work - and THEN imagine you are going to be a guest at their house or ask them for money. These people have to get real about their policies and the hateful attitudes they have engendered in the congregations.

  • Overrated

    I'm so glad that I no longer have to waste my time and energy, and money on this cult.


    The “privilege” of working full time to pay for a vehicle that is used by Pioneers who refuse to work. Many of them being children of Elders who live rent free....

    I worked for YEARS, “reached out” for “privileges” only to be judged as unworthy as I paid for a vehicle the wife used to Pioneer, and while I volunteered to mow the lawn of the KH because no one else wanted to do the labor for God... This was on top of the 50-70 hrs that I worked to take care of my family, pay for vehicles, contribute to the GB’s liquor fund, ect..

    Unfortunately, all my work meant that I couldn’t get the required 10hrs per month, every month to be considered “Spiritual” enough to be a Ministerial Servant. Yet the Elder’s kids who had no jobs seemed to have no problem being “Spiritual.”


  • Bobcat

    It's typical of high-control groups that everything they want you to do is a "privilege." If one is PIMO, then, start to always refer to them as "so-called privileges." (Or "your so-called privileges." An unspoken way of saying they are not "privileges" to you.)

    Most likely they will never offer them to you after that. Part of the group/cult persona is that you are supposed to be seeking and desiring after their privileges before they will grant those 'privileges' to you. They won't offer them to you unless you first show that you desire for them to give them to you. This desire for their "privileges" puts you at a disadvantage. It makes you useful to them. (Or if they do offer some "privilege," tell them you'll have to think about it for awhile to see if you can conscientiously accept it. After all, you might have more important things to do. In this way you show unspoken disdain for what they view as important.)

    In this way you use their cult-think to your own advantage. Of course, you must mentally accept that they will view you as spiritually weak. But learn to disdain their appraisal of your value.

  • Overrated

    After a while at my old hall which was very cliquey, I stopped doing privileges for the hall. " Screw them! They have enough people to take care of their problems, have them get off their ass"! Over period of time, I stopped feeling the need to go to their shit show.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    ''I would NEVER have wanted the ‘privilege’ of having them over!!

    After all their talk of knocking responsible people such as myself who worked full-time who didn’t ‘pioneer’ - and encouraging others in the congregation to not invite or to shun - there’s No way they would ever get a morsel of MY food. There’s no forgiveness really.. I wouldn’t be Retired if I listened to these people.''

    I must say I've often shared that sentiment. You have to work to support yourself. Bills, mortgages, savings account, car get these ''guys'' coming around who don't ''earn'' any of the above & telling you how to run your life. You sit there listening to these ''guys'' who have everything handed to them and they are treated like rock stars. Everything handed to them off the backs of the rank and file, who have to ''work'' a real job in order to support them.

    You sit there at a$$emblies, conventions and CO visits listening to a guy who has likely never worked, changed a tire or applied for a loan or mortgage. And he's telling YOU how to run your life. Huh?

    I really couldn't have been bothered with the chore of having these 'rock stars' over who have everything handed over to them on the backs of working people. No.

  • LongHairGal


    Glad you understand..Some JWs and ex-JWs don’t get it (or care to get it) because their situation was better...I really WAS viewed badly by the Witnesses because I had a full time job - which I wisely kept til the end.

    Also, as somebody not raised in the religion - the advice against careers sounded downright ridiculous!

    I always knew this policy of telling people not to get careers was going to come back to bite them when people in their twenties back in the 1970s reached retirement age unprepared.. Even people who prepared have to watch it!!

    So you can very well understand why I never wanted the dubious ‘privilege’ of having any self-important ‘super stars’ over who never worked..Let them go eat at a fast food place.

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