It's so awkward that people have to touch the emblems

by thedepressedsoul 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freddo

    @ Island man

    What you write is an excellent analysis of the memorial "celebration". Just to say that the study copy of the WT Jan 15th 2016 on page 25 does have a picture of a "partaker", bread in hand. (it is to "help" us see how we should treat "partakers"!) It will be studied this week at the congregation WT study.

  • JRK

    The answer is they have to stretch it out to fill up an hour.


  • clarity

    It always appeared to me to be a complete disappointment.

    It is the only thing wt celebrates and it is so lifeless & so overblown!

    Inside of an hour we are home again peeling off those high heels & pantyhose. Jackets & ties tossed on the back of the couch as the fatigue kicks in.

    It has been 5 yrs out of the weird world of watchtower for me...never been happier!

  • rebel8
    I am a vegetarian. It is completely mandatory and normal for me to order a steak, touch the plate, and hand it back to the server. ;)
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I remember at one Memorial there was a very thin frail looking elderly brother sitting by himself at the end of one row. There was a gap of about 8 seats between he and the next person so when the wine came to him he had to get up and teeter down the row holding the glass in his shaky hands and sloshing the wine as he attempted to hand it to the next person. Being hard of hearing and not realizing how loud he was speaking he said. " WELL....HERE YA GO, THAT IS IF THERE'S ANYTHING LEFT...har har har !"

    Despite the solemness of the occasion, there were a few chuckles.

  • Alive!

    One lady was standing and holding a baby. She called the server over just so she could put her thumb on the bread and wine.
    Really? You know, when you step outside of the 'magic' - you realise how mad this is.....and that's all we do at memorial night - everyone has to 'touch it' - one by one.

    And the story of the old fella getting up from the end of the row, just to pass it on - that made me giggle @petezahut. Actually, this thread has brought some closure - it's a detailed ritual, yet, it really ignores the instruction Jesus gave - outside observers must think, how strange.....

  • Po Lazarus
    Po Lazarus
    It's not about 'touching' so much as having the clear opportunity to partake. Everyone has the chance to munch or slurp as they are inwardly directed. I suppose you could have people standing and calling for the 'blood of Christ' to be passed me way, but that's hardly uplifting, right?
  • moomanchu

    I agree. I asked my wife why don't they just ask any anointed to come up and have some instead of this passing the shit around nonsense

    That is exactly what Christendom does, JW's strive to look different from main stream Christianity.

    My answer to invitations to the memorial has been " I'm not one of the 144,000".

    It's amazing how something so simple can get so twisted up by a religion.

    When He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take this bread and eat it. This is My body which is broken for you. Do this to remember Me.”

  • stuckinarut2
    And the awkward silence during the passing of emblems, punctuated only by the nervous ramblings of the speaker trying to fill in time until the emblems get back!
  • tiki
    And can you just imagine the germs on those plates and glasses as snot-nosed kids excitedly grab them to pass them on...then the old dude that hasn't had a bath since last summer....yuck!

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