Italian of courseooooh sorry you said food. It is crab legs
What is your favorite food?
by Joker10 47 Replies latest jw friends
I don't understand the fascination with crab legs. It's too hard to get to the meat. I like my food easy to get to.
That's easy ! Maine Lobster
little witch
Linguini and clam sauce...MINE....
Lamb chops, grilled please,
buffalo chicken wings, MINE
I enjoy Indian cuisine.
But I love Greek food, Ethiopian, Italian, and Tex-Mex fare.
And my old stand-by:
That's easy ! Maine Lobster
Do you know in Maine you can get a two lobster dinner for like $7? It's crazy! And the McDonald's restaurants serve lobster sandwiches? (My grandparents live in Maine and we've been there a few times.)
termite 35
((( prawns.....mmmmmmmmmm)))I eat them everyday