I'm sorry I missed this thread last week.
Our youngest son (24) has it, but not diagnosed by a professional. His wife has it for sure. She is difficult to be around because she talks endlessly about things no one is interested in. She is really a boring person most of the time. We always knew their was something different about our son, but Aspbergers was not diagnosed much when he was growing up, and both of his doctors were old men who probably never heard of it. He has had very few friends in his life, and was a real misfit in school, a regular target of bullies. The teacher's loved him, and he excelled in drama especially. He was a top student in all areas, and went to college too. He is about to return to college to become a history teacher. I have never met anyone with a mind like his, for dates and details in history and books, novels and other kinds. He remembers all the dialog of every TV show and movie he sees, and can repeat it to you verbatim, until you literally have to tell him you want to see the show, or read the book and he is spoiling it for you.
One of the symptoms is that they are clueless as to whether someone is interested in what they are talking about. They truly are not retarded and are often gifted in their area of interest. It is suspected that Bill Gates has it, and they also think Thomas Edison had it. I think someone already mentioned they are high functioning autistics.
When we heard about the syndrome, quite by accident, and read up on it, we knew our son had it. His wife then told us she has it. She is also gifted mentally, but not socially. Most of the family can't stand to be around her. She had a really hard time growing up, one of 4 girls in her family, and she is the only different one. Her teachers labeled her as retarded, because she was dyslexic, and her parents had her IQ tested and learned she has an extremely high IQ (160-180), but is very socially backward. She works as a medical lab technician. Perfect for her.
We think one of our grandsons may have it too...................symptoms all too familiar.
If you send me an email, I will email a Word document I put together of my research on it. [email protected]