These were just emailed to me.
P.S. It was a woman who sent these to me, so please don't throw anything TOO heavy!
by iiz2cool 46 Replies latest jw friends
These were just emailed to me.
P.S. It was a woman who sent these to me, so please don't throw anything TOO heavy!
I would love to comment on this but
*** Tip-toeing through very quietly and watching for thrown objects ***
I don't get it.................
you mean a shoe and a knife aren't a hammer and screwdriver?
LMAO- those are funny !!!
Hey, I've used 'em and they work!
OK, I'll take a chance,
The only picture I truly agree with is the first, ALL EXITS ARE TO BATHROOMS. The rest are not typical with my family.
(I know Joy is watching)
yes they do Walter !!!
I've never been on the same page as many women with the toilet seat issue. I have gotten into it with many women over the years about this whole thing- (in a fun way of course) What I've heard is that the reason some women bitch about this is that they don't want to fall into the toilet. Well, instead of making some guy responsible for that- why don't they just LOOK before they sit down on ANYTHING- including a toilet?
Why not have everyone in the house, male and female- put the seat in whichever position they need it at the time and then, when done- close all of it- lid included and call that the "home" position. Then it takes the issue away totally. (including looking before sitting) I've never fallen into a toilet- even in the middle of the night after partying heavily all night.
Thanks for sharing those Walter- gave me a giggle this evening !!
I join Jst2laws in saying: ...
(I know Joy is watching)
As far as the toilet seat issue, this is how I look at it.
Say that both male and female poop half the time, pee the other half. Also, say that women and men use the bathroom almost equally (work with me here).
That would mean, Men need the seat up 50% of the time, down 50% of the time.
Women need it down 100% of the time.
That would mean, the seat is needed up 25% of the time, and down 75% of the time.
So...odds are that it should be down anyway.