Polish EX-JW Activism compilation video

by WTS Archive 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTS Archive
    WTS Archive

    I'd like to show you a short video I made about ExJW activism in Poland.


    I'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like. There's a lot I didn't show on the video because of the limited time I have for editing, I have tons of footage more. A full blown report will probably come some time later, but I wanted to put something out before the Warwick protest.

    I understand that some of you may not like this kind of activism, but hopefully this video shows that it can be done in a peaceful, dignified manner. We have reports of both non-, ex- and current JWs who were moved by those actions and that lead them to breaking free from the cult or prevented them from joining in the first place. That is why I think doing this kind of work (alongside everything else people do) is necessary.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    That was interesting

  • berrygerry

    Well done.

    Sound tactics.

  • steve2

    I'm very impressed with the video. Dignified, courteous and informative. Thank you. I am sure that it has helped untold numbers of Polish JWs to give careful thought to what is happening in JW organization, and in particular the continued clampdown on scrutinizing the organization's shocking history and hypocrisy.

  • LV101

    Thank you for sharing your video -- very well done.

  • cofty

    Excellent work, thanks for sharing. I think your professional approach is exemplary, activists I have seen in other countries could learn a lot from this.

    Can I please make one minor criticism? One of my pet hates is the way JWs involve their children in public proselytising. I would suggest that ex-JW activists avoid doing the same thing even if it is something that the children enjoy.

    Really encouraging to see how well the Polish public react to your work. Keep it up.

  • WTS Archive
    WTS Archive
    I would suggest that ex-JW activists avoid doing the same thing even if it is something that the children enjoy

    I generally agree with you, but its not that we want to engage kids in the protests to grab attention. If they are there it is usually because the parents wouldn't have anyone to leave them with while they're away, especially because some of those people traveled quite far to participate. Parents of this boy with a sign came all the way from Berlin, Germany (about 500 kilometers away from where the protest was held) and they didn't really have any family to leave him with back there.

    I am sure that it has helped untold numbers of Polish JWs to give careful thought to what is happening in JW organization

    This is already happening in Poland I think, the latest Yearbook showed a -2% decrease, second largest world-wide. Factoring in the baptisms, more than 3500 JWs left the org during last service year. Even if you say that 1% died, that's still ~2500 who left. And this trend is not new, Poland has not seen any growth for last 10 years :).

  • darkspilver

    The Polish are/where coming to Britain where there now 50 Polish congegations....


  • sparrowdown

    Excellent, great work guys!

  • jwabuse.com

    Go Poland! You guys rock! Makes me proud to be part Polish!

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