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Any Reviews or Feedback from the District Convention??
by daringhart13 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The GB knows no more about when the Gran Tribulation will occur , than does Donald Trump. All speculation and no secret channel that has informed them even before Jesus christ.
I heard one young JW say that it was the best CONvention ever and was truly encouraging(tm). That was just Friday's mind cleansing(tm). I'm sure this young person will be in full cult mode after Sunday. I'm convinced this one will truly feel the spirit of true hatred after. This one will feel so special that shun mode will be in full flame.
It might be worth mentioning that in the final video (the ressurection/new system video) where they are wrapping all the other videos in and showing the outcomes of the people who were in the previous videos, that the one of the DFd girl?
She and her kids made it in to the final video. The presumably worldly man she got DFd over and had the kids with (their father) is not shown.
Are we being lead to a subliminal conclusion that he died?
If so how horrible to put in peoples heads.
Did they just leave him out because they didnt want to come right out and say what they really each - that most of humanity is going to die at Armageddon?
If so, how cowardly.
So subliminal threats or cowardice on their part. Those are the choices the video leaves us with.
polish clarinet
yesterday, in France, they heard a GB member (I don't remenber who it was) almost crying during the final prayer. It reminds me televangelists of the 80's. Many JWs where disturbed by this cinema show but none would admit it!
This from a religion that once prided itself on "reasoning from the Scriptures" and poking fun at the public emotional displays of the leaders of the churches of Christendom.
"I heard from a friend who knows someone up at Bethel that they are trying to prepare us for the persecution that is coming....they must know something we dont!"
WTF??!!.....We Know Something?.....What?!!..
millie210 - And the third was the most pitiable of all, an older, widowed, faithful woman. Her comment was concerning the infamous "bunker" video - "I heard from a friend who knows someone up at Bethel that they are trying to prepare us for the persecution that is coming....they must know something we dont!"
When I was watching the "bunker" video I felt ashamed—ashamed of ever having been involved with the cult. I barely could watch it until the end; it was so embarrassing.
The GB know very well the organization is in extremely hot water over its shocking policies on and procedures for responding to child sexual abuse in the local congregations. How many rank and file Witnesses know that?
steve2 - The GB know very well the organization is in extremely hot water over its shocking policies on and procedures for responding to child sexual abuse in the local congregations. How many rank and file Witnesses know that?
I would assume that not many know of it. I remember, when I was still active, hearing a comment made by one sister during a meeting. She criticised other religions for child sexual abuse—mainly the Roman Catholic church—and then said that Jehovah's Witnesses don't have that problem. She said that "we" don't have to worry about it because, allegedly, Jehovah takes care of his organisation. I still didn't know about the issue at the time, so I was willing to believe it. The problem is that none of us checked the news to see whether that's the case. She was really making an uninformed statement based on her research which... well... was based on what the Governing Body said. (Remember Stephen Lett calling child sexual abuse "apostate-driven lies"?)
I'm glad I checked the issue myself later on when I heard Anders Andersen talking about it on another website. I heard of it even before that, but I refused to believe it since the "apostates" that were saying it were really aggressive about it. That attitude just confirmed my "conviction." But then I read Anders Andersen's posts about child sexual abuse, and I saw that he was just stating the facts while not being aggressive or insulting. Then I searched the news and watched the Australian Royal Commission.
So... based on my experience, not many know of the child sexual abuse. Unfortunately.