Wow! I'm tripping

by OriginalFlower 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • OriginalFlower

    This old place is still around? HOLY MOLY what a trip stumbling into this place from the good ole days before the 'new' social media😃

    I used to have tons of long late night conversations with some good friends 15-20 years ago! Its a mind trip to read some of the old thoughts from when I was exiting the cult.

    I wonder if anyone still pops in from time to time that was here in the early 2000s. Lost touch with everyone!

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  • Tameria2001

    I was here but under the name of Irish Rose. I moved around a bit since then and lost all my log information, thus my current user name.

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  • smiddy3

    Do you remember any user names you used to talk to back then ?

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  • WingCommander

    Still here! Been here since 2002. I'm on the ex-JW reddit forum as well.

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  • StephaneLaliberte

    Here since 2007. I tried to quit once.... didn't manage to stay off for more than a month.

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  • punkofnice

    I joined 2010ish sort of time.

    Blimey O'Reilley. Armageddon(tm) didn't come and marmalise us all!

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  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Registered in 2003, but been here lurking a few years before that. Many have come and gone. Yet, a handful of us are still lingering.

    Alligator Wisdom

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  • Simon

    I'm still working on digging a tunnel to freedom.

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  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I've been here with the same name and avatar for more than 19 years!

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  • RubaDub

    Been here 17 years (2003). Actually was here a short time earlier as Bloody Stool but I guess that name was not too appealing, especially as our friends on the other side of the pond consider bloody a really bad word.

    Anyway, 17 and counting, until death do us part, Simon throws me out or the new system arrives and they move this site to jw dot org.

    Rub a Dub

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