JW views on saving and retirement

by neat blue dog 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Probably one of the most common causes of cognitive dissonance many JWs face is the choice to plan for retirement. If you're a good JW, then you should believe that the end will be coming soon, surely before you retire. That's what I did when I was younger, blowing decades that could've been better spent because I believed the end was coming, so any planning was a waste of time. After I woke up I started to focus on reality and make good financial plans and habits. Here's my experiences of talking with several JWs on the topic:

    When my 401k was brought up, one sister offered her 2¢, saying 'Just be careful you don't put too much stock in that, because the end is really closer than ever. It's not even going to be, like, even another 10 years the way things are.'

    Another brother, when I was giving him advice about planning for his future said 'Noooo, I don't want to be sidetracked by that or get materialistic'. I said 'It isn't about living lavishly, it's about having funds for your children, unexpected events and so you don't have to work until you're elderly'. He replies 'Well, I just can't handle that. Last time I saved money I bought a nice car. This is better for me spiritually.'

    Then there's the other brother I talked to. He's a sincere believer, but he's also one of the sweetest guys I know. All of his kids are either inactive or disfellowshipped, but they all have successful careers and happy families, and he associates with them freely. He also is not a stickler and is super easygoing and loving. And when talking with him about financial matters, he brings up retirement like it's a given, and he has already taken steps in that regard.

    Of course we know that the WTS is the biggest hypocrite in this regard, playing the stock market, flipping real estate and amassing funds.

    So what have been your experiences with JWs in this regard?

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  • sir82

    One congregation I attended had more than the usual share of wealthy JWs.

    They spouted the party line of "Armageddon soon", but they said it with almost a wink, while building up massive portfolios of investments and engaging in business dealings that secured a comfortable lifestyle in their "golden years".

    In that congregation there were also some very (well, relatively) "poor ones". Not much of a middle class in that congregation. Those ones were almost proud of their complete lack of financial planning - "oh, we just rely on Jehovah".

    That's been my experience - the handful of wealthy JWs act like anyone else in the "world" and invest prudently for the future, while the majority of the not-wealthy proudly view their lack of finances as a sort of proof of their faith.

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  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    PS: I forgot to mention that the nice brother who does plan ahead isn't wealthy or have degrees or anything. He just works very hard and is responsible with what he has.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Getting locked into the education taboo means low paying jobs. Even without pioneering.

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  • JWTom

    Good comments overall. This is a significant area where the vast majority of JWs destroy their life as an older person...sad to see the many, many cases where this is true.

    Completely agree and my experience as well in interacting with others. I simply laugh in private at anyone that basically has no plan and is hoping for the best. There 100,000s of example where someone has had no plan and basically ends up dead due to having no resources to take care of themselves when a serious health issue arises. Also, many that are in their 70s still working like a dog due to not planning.

    We are at the higher end of the financial spectrum and will routinely offer our thoughts or help if someone is looking at how to plan for the future with savings, investments, etc. For all of the others that have "hope as a strategy" we just shake our heads.....

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  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Reminds me of the wise virgins who had oil for their lamps, but not enough to share with those who chose not to plan ahead.

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  • goingthruthemotions

    Even my totally brainwashed wife agrees with saving for a retirement and making sure our son's get a college education!!

    I had an experience not too long ago that was kinda funny and sad at the same time. we were at a funeral, and a witness man I know introduced me to his son, whom is 19. I said nice to meet you and the next big question.....so where do you go to school now that you graduated ( not sure if he actually graduated or got his GED) the kid said he just works and before he could say anything else. some super brainwashed dude says....he doesn't need to go to school. he took duel credit in high school. i was like WTF does that mean? that doesn't mean he has a degree i thought to myself. but i just looked at this idiot and walked away.

    and thought to myself...my 20 yr old is a Junior in college. HORAY

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  • nowwhat?

    Thats me woke up to late now I'm 59 with no retirement

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  • LongHairGal


    My favorite topic. I’m curious about how you got in a conversation with other JWs about retirement...A gathering? One thing was for sure: if you said you DID prepare, your views were gossiped about.

    I was the one with the full time job and I prepared for retirement. I had a JW do my taxes for a while. When they saw I put money in an IRA..they snidely told me “you’ll never see that money”. Well.. I am retired over five years now and this JW died years ago!

    What makes me angry now is not just how screwed I would have been if I listened to these people..BUT the fact that EVERY one of these older JWs was either collecting THEIR pension (having been in the workforce)..OR had a worldly husband supporting them!

    The question is: where the hell did anybody get off preaching poverty and lack of retirement preparation to some young person there..when they themselves were reaping the benefit of their own preparation or somebody else’s preparation?? Some non-JW man worked 40 years so somebody could get a pension!!!

    I am glad I never listened to these hypocrites..The fact is though: if anybody did listen to their bad advice, these older hypocritical JWs with cushy lives are not even around to help them!

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  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    I’m curious about how you got in a conversation with other JWs about retirement

    All three were brought up by me. The first was regarding my job. The second two were regarding their jobs, because they were considering changing employment.

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