OK, I know this forum isn't exactly friends with JWSurvey, BUT...

by Vidiot 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot
    "...Court documents in the Kevin McFree case reveal that Watch Tower has claimed that this satirical video has done 'irreparable damage' to Watch Tower..."

    When I read stuff like that, I can't help but wonder if at least some of the WT's legal advisors are telling them to say doofy-ass stuff like this because they actually know the TATT, and are subtly sabotaging things from the inside by making the Org look stoopid.

    God, I thought they jumped the shark with the Sparlock and Deafsturbation videos, but holy shitballs...

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  • Vidiot
    nonjwspouse - " I wonder if the Onion would consider doing an article on some of the Watchtower antics?"


    Pretty sure it would require an entire series of articles and/or "Special Edition" issue.


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  • Vidiot
    "We have never lost a case against apostates. They never won even a motion. And so you see the line that Jehovah has apparently drawn: That the wicked or evil slave will not be able to beat the faithful slave to that degree. Because even though there have been hundreds of these motions and cases brought; not one has prevailed.”

    The hubris! It burns!!!

    Seriously, I'm thinking of changing my username to "WTF@WTS"...

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''When I read stuff like that, I can't help but wonder if at least some of the WT's legal advisors are telling them to say doofy-ass stuff like this because they actually know the TATT, and are subtly sabotaging things from the inside by making the Org look stoopid. ''

    Good point. Makes you wonder how many up there in the ''ivory tower'' may actually be PIMO, and have removed the rose-coloured glasses and see the TATT.

    Good observations.

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  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I think perhaps that Watchtower Legal may be suffering from inflation due to it's belief that they are defending God's earthly organization. At least to the extent that they actually believe this should make them very vulnerable as it puts them in denial and unable to respond to reality, the blind leading the blind. I think all these lawsuits are a desperate attempt to do something to stop the flow of damaging information to the public. They desperately need a few wins in the court room to put some fear of Jehovah into apostates but it will not stop the flow of information because many are learning TTATT, and so the leaks should only multiply,, to enforce some type of transparency on these devious religious fanatics.

  • Vidiot

    One thing's for sure...

    ...this stuff just reinforces my view that the top guys really are full-on True Believers (despite - as I've said before - knowing it's wrong).

    Only someone who was absolutely positive that God had their back, and that (as a result) they couldn't possibly fail would make blunders like this.

  • cyberjesus

    At the end it wasn't all the apostates and their websites, it was the Scarlet Whore, nor the beast, not even Satan... it was a lego who finally caused irreparable damage to the almighty's organization... go figure.

    Maybe its time for Jesus Christ 2.0, to show the same angels in heaven that all the lego accusations are not valid... here we go, another 6000 years.

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  • jonahstourguide

    Hey cyberjesus.

    Perhaps da angel dat wrestled wiv jacob all night that wasn't as powerful as the 185,000 assyrian killer angel iz runnin da show now !?

    Oh, a leggo threatens a angel??

    Woohoo Leggos rule. Wheres my old leggo set, I'm on to sumfink here.

    ha ha



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