Hold up yall, they have an unreadable chart. The truth is on their side.
New DNA Study Confirms Noah
by notsurewheretogo 90 Replies latest watchtower bible
Let's be fair!
I don't discount most things anymore...until the evidence at hand is more compelling then I had before. I leave myself open to new lines of reasoning and make adjustments. Because in the end it will not matter what I believed...
Hold up yall, they have an unreadable chart. The truth is on their side. - oldskool
You seem to have posted a miniature version of a phylogenetic tree. Millions of pieces of evidence were used to compile that diagram.
If you click here you can go to an amazing website that maps the tree for millions of species. You can zoom in and out to explore all of life.
I challenge you to find humans.
Because in the end it will not matter what I believed... - Notnew
Our beliefs are hugely important.
Giles Gray
In my Evolution is a fact series I have had countless insults and personal attacks by christians. I never retaliate. When you have the facts on your side why would you?
I agree.
Our beliefs are hugely important... Cofty
True, that why I try and live my life with this in mind.." Love all, trust a few, do harm to none". Not trying to be sappy but it helps me to not be too critical of what others believe.
Not that I'm indifferent to a good debate...
argumentI lean toward facts, and let the chips fall. I had to make a lot of adjustments since awakening from the JW mind control. A loving God..creator (?) just doesn't align with the facts
It's not a bad philosophy NotNew.
Oh my I can't for the life of me stop laughing, someone call a doctor I think I'm going to pass out
Assuming that God placed the ideal mtDNA sequence into Eve - huge assumption. Any effort to reproduce this 'ideal mtDNA sequence'?
Added to the ridiculousness of all humans having a common ancestor which lived 4,365 years ago, what about non-human species? All this diversity is the result of evolution over a period of less than four and a half thousand years?!
I understand it when uneducated people believe in divine creation. I find it much harder to accept when the believer holds a PhD qualification.
Still, everyone is entitled to their beliefs.