So this weekend my girlfriend and I will move into our own place together. It turns out that “a cord of three strands is stronger” is bullshit and two people in a relationship are perfectly capable of being happy without outside influence. What a journey I’ve had since leaving 3 and a half years ago! I’ve tried pretty much everything I wanted to try and now have my own legitimate reasons for doing or not doing certain things. No Watchtower magazines required.
I’ve met a few ex-JWs and told them about this site. There’s quite a few lurkers so I’m told. Some have since left and told me they’ve been visiting this site even when they were believers to see what we talk about.
Who’dve thought that only 4 years ago I was the stand-in talk guy in the congregation for when the speaker didn’t turn up. I was stuck in a co-dependant marriage to somebody who – in all fairness – we both were not suited for. She’s since left and engaged to someone else and we get on just fine.
I honestly can’t believe I used to be a JW, my personal tastes, opinions, character and values have all been explored and allowed to grow until I know who I am and am completely comfortable with myself.
I no longer need validation from other people and I certainly don’t base my life choices by consulting 8 men in America I’ve never met. I don’t tell people what to do, not do I stop them doing what they want to do (unless it’s harmful to others). I have real goals and can honestly say I’m a much kinder, understanding and reasonable person since leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
And that’s not all folks…
2020 if off to a great start already.
I just want to say thanks to all of you for getting me through the difficult first year when I woke up from the "religion". Without this forum I would have been at my wits end.