Just want to take a moment and mention how exceptional the moderator is here @Simon. Been on many many forums and you'll be pressed to find a more fair person. He creates a safe environment where the chicanery is a minimum. It's true my experience here is minimal however it is vast in the tech world and the world of forums.
Simon has proven to be very fair. When things get out of hand or on the cusp of erupting I've seen him close threads to prevent unnecessary comments. Some might take offense to this but this is rather prudent moderating in my experience.
I don't know Simon other than his handle. We've had opposing perspectives. He's closed threads I've started as I mentioned above. I've never spoken to him and have no way of contacting him outside of this experience. This is not a case of love bombing someone for the same of doing it. This is a case of showing appreciation where it's due.
Honestly I don't think it's appreciated what we have here.
What can you do to show appreciation?
Throw the guy a bone and click some ads. It's good to remember that users come and go. At first many are gun ho but then get on with life. Sort of a natural progression I would imagine. So while you're here every so often click on some ads. it helps. As Simon will more than attest a simple bug or minor issue you might see could take many many hours to track down at times. Supporting the site in this way helps keep it around for the next group.
We all have differing opinions on various matters. That's entirely o.k.! In fact it's really great. The other day the thread I put up had some excellent perspectives I hadn't thought of. Guess what your voice was heard! The contrary though where it becomes baiting helps no one. It makes all of us look bad actually.
Enough with the infighting, baiting, diatribes and general bashing simply because you disagree.
A very wise tech mogul said to me in the 90's "Don't make a point, make a productive contribution".
There's a good post on forum behavior here. I think it might be a good review. It was for me.