What do Jehovah's Witnesses think of modern day Israel?

by bleak 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bleak

    I mentioned this to the two ladies who came by yesterday. They indicated to me through Bible readings (like 2 Timothy 3 and another) that JW's are not what are called "Christian Zionists." Is this true because if it is not (that JW's actually do support Israel), I want no part of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Don't lie to me; I will find the truth. I've been banned from no less than four so-called "Christian" forums for speaking out against the atrocities committed to this day by the Israeli government on the indigenous peoples of Palestine; Muslim, Christian, Jew (orthodox) it doesn't matter. The Zionists of Israel are war criminals. If anyone doubts this or thinks I am "anti-semitic" (a term appropriated by the fake Jews of Israel), see nkusa.org for more.

    And maybe read these...



  • Diogenesister

    No. Jehovahs Witnesses are not Zionists. In fact they are not interested in the slightest in the politics or sufferings of any nation, or only in so much as they can get you to join their high control cult.

    Please check out jwfacts.com for anything you need to know about them.

    Oh, and although I'll get slated by some on this forum for saying so, I fully agree with your assesment of the Isreali government.

  • bleak

    Thanks for replying. Right off the top, I don't like beards either LOL. Especially those "urban lumberjack" types with long beards. They are repulsive. Anyway...

    If not agreeing with everything they submit to as "the truth" is necessary, I don't see myself becoming one of them. Cuz I have a problem with people saying that God has a name for one. Those are words in a book. The book was written down by men and Jesus was not available for consultation as Editor In Chief. Who needs that crap? I'm still trying to stop scientologists from sending me their crap after 35 years of taking some "courses" and realizing it was a scam.

    Also, I read scriptures like the Nag Hammadi Library which every church I've been to considers heresy ("These are the words of the living Jesus" are the first words of The Gospel of Thomas). Talk about "disfellowshipping" someone? Ask an Orthodox pastor about the Gnostics. I've had non denominational churches "disfellowship" me as soon as I ask questions about their sermons.

    The ladies did know their Bibles though. I have to give them credit.

  • scratchme1010
    I've been banned from no less than four so-called "Christian" forums for speaking out against the atrocities committed to this day by the Israeli government on the indigenous peoples of Palestine; Muslim, Christian, Jew (orthodox) it doesn't matter.

    Are you sure that's the reason?

  • bleak

    "Oh, and although I'll get slated by some on this forum for saying so, I fully agree with your assesment of the Isreali government."

    So some at least do worship Israel. Ah well good luck with that whoever you are. Israel ARE "a synogogue of satan" and the cult of Saturn. As long as Freedom of Speech prevails on this forum (with respect to the guidelines of course). Luke 9:60.

  • bleak
    Are you sure that's the reason?

    Fairly sure.

  • Fisherman

    The Republic of Israel like every other country and nation on earth exists (except JW) based upon and depending on, military force, nuclear weapons, military bases, political alliances, and the like.

  • bleak


    The Republic of Israel like every other country and nation on earth exists (except JW) based upon and depending on, military force, nuclear weapons, military bases, political alliances, and the like.

    Oh yeah? Is Norway conducting genocide on anyone? Are the French invading any country, murdering, raping, destroying homes? For the last 70 years?

    Whitewashing the ethnic cleansing of Palestine? I guess that makes you a zionist then, doesn't it. Israel are war criminals. You do not know what you're talking about.

  • Earnest

    You need to go to another forum to rant about Israel. A lot of people (including me) agree with you to a greater or lesser extent, but this forum is about Jehovah's Witnesses and you have your answer that they are not Christian or any other type of Zionists. They are politically neutral. That is what you wanted to know, is it not.

  • bleak

    You need to go to another forum to rant about Israel. A lot of people (including me) agree with you to a greater or lesser extent, but this forum is about Jehovah's Witnesses and you have your answer that they are not Christian or any other type of Zionists. They are politically neutral. That is what you wanted to know, is it not.

    You go somewhere else.

    If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them. ~ James 4:17

    16“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. 17For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. 18Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them. ~ Luke 8:16-18

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