Hi All,
I don't remember on this site who says it best....It's a cult...Yes, & I'm a member....trying to hold on .....
What've found out...it's not the doctrine, right or wrong, they are happy that the org. admits they are wrong, as a matter of fact a sister at the meeting said just that. She is happy to belong to an org. that can admit they are wrong. What many have to realize, not all, but most witnesses are socially inept. Most of them have this vacant look in there eyes...Ever hear birds of a feather flock together...I'm not perfect, but I'm not mental. Most of them have a mental issue, they don't focus...they don't remember anything....But you can show them from the scriptures they are dead wrong, but you know why the majority are there..."IT'S GOD'S ORGANIZATION". That's is right there...that's why the majority stay, knowing that the imperfect men can steer them wrong. They have an elitist gene...even if they were to be in another church, they would be like those folks who like to sit up front in the pews. Many don't feel worthy, so because they belong to God's Appointed Org. this is what validates them. Even though some are educated, there is still something missing in their brains...I'm in the hall, out in service...spend time with them & this is what I see. I don't spend too much time with them because....I'll be like them...& I'm fighting like heck....
So the bottom line folks...they don't care if the org. is not inspired & infallible....because it would never occur to them to ask....so if you are not inspired & infallible...how are you feeding us & by whom...
It also would never occur to them that the org. is building & building & building...Warwick is the state of the art construction...yet, we are in the last days...so why build ? One sister said, well, they are looking to the future, I slid in there (in my own funny way), what's the sense of building & we are in the last days...guess what folks ? It went right over her head...Yet, they tell us to simplify our lives...I'm not supposed to buy a new 100 inch. TV, but it's ok for them to have an orchestra, big screen TV's etc....
So again folks, don't bother to try to show them that their doctrine is wrong, that doesn't even worry them in the least...They belong to God's appointed org. & oh, another validation...they are carrying Jehovah's name...like a wife who is carrying the name of her hubby...so proud...I'm such & such wife...that blows up their skirt...
By the way, Jehovah, isn't that a Jewish name...isn't God the God of all nations...
Again, leave the witnesses alone....God will reveal it in his own time...don't think they can keep the ARC a secret for very much longer...