Is legitimately and reliably independent of WTB&TS and peripheral, aligned entities?

by great-trivialization 13 Replies latest forum links

  • great-trivialization

    I am new to this forum and uncertain that this is legitimately and entirely independent of conniving JW controllers or the WTB&TS and its related entities.

    Markers like the use of JW.ORG in the forum description and the policies seem controlled/controlling vs other xjw forums.

    This is not an accusation, it is an attempt to know enough to be comfortable with motives of the ownership and controllers of the forum.

  • DesirousOfChange

    If you knew Simon (Owner/Moderator) you'd have your answer.

    GB bitch-slap all apostates with TV.JW.ORG

  • Simon
    I am new to this forum and uncertain that this is legitimately and entirely independent of conniving JW controllers or the WTB&TS and its related entities.

    I created and run this site. It's been running for 22 years. It is independent of the WTS or any current, ex, or pretending to be ex, JWs.

    Markers like the use of JW.ORG in the forum description and the policies seem controlled/controlling vs other xjw forums.

    The inclusion of "JW org" is because it's likely to be something people may be searching for.

    The policies are hardly onerous or even unusual, they are fairly standard if you want any kind of civil environment. They aim to have people moderate their own content.

    it is an attempt to know enough to be comfortable with motives of the ownership and controllers of the forum.

    My motives for the forum existing continue to be what they were, which is to provide a relatively safe environment where people can discuss things and get support if they are considering leaving the WTS.

  • great-trivialization

    Got it, thanks. Prompt and clear.

  • thom

    I've been a member from almost the start of this site. I can say it is certainly independent of, which should be clear in what is posted here.

    Over the years, many things have been posted that would never want to see make it onto the internet.

  • ukpimo

    I concur with Simon.

    I don't think Watchtower really keeps this website under their radar as nothing of significance is really posted here in the way of leaks. Watchtower seems to be more concerned about Reddit and YouTube, as well as monitoring some prominent websites like AvoidJW and JWfacts.

    Correct me if I'm wrong Simon, I don't believe we have ever had many Bethel lurkers here.

  • TonusOH
    Got it, thanks. Prompt and clear.

    ...and he never made another post.

  • finishedmystery

    That is one thing I really like about this forum. There don't seem to be any WT trolls here, but over at the big Reddit where I do OPs occasionally every now and then I will get hit by the meanest, nastiest comment in the thread below that you can imagine. A careful analysis of the comment's wording indicates only a WT troll would write it. I have no idea why they are even there at all. I do not see how their faith could ever survive that forum.

  • blondie

    In 1971, the legal entity and the governing body were described as 2 separate things. Reasoning that GB members are anointed and cannot be voted in like in a legal entity. And, that the corporate members did not have to be "anointed" to serve in the legal entity, "At that unforgettable annual meeting in 1971, a distinction was clearly drawn between the spirit-anointed members of the Governing Body and the directors of the Pennsylvania corporation. Still, members of the Governing Body continued to serve as directors and officers of the Society. Today, however, the question arises: Is there any Scriptural reason why the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania must be members of the Governing Body?

    The answer is no. The Pennsylvania corporation is not the only legal entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are others. One is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated. It facilitates our work in the United States. Jehovah’s blessing has clearly been upon that corporation, though its directors and officers have been mainly of the “other sheep.” The International Bible Students Association is used in Britain. Other legal entities are used to promote Kingdom interests in other lands. All of them harmoniously assist and have a role to play in getting the good news preached earth wide. No matter where they are located or who serve as directors or officers, these entities are theocratically guided and used by the Governing Body. Hence, such entities have assigned tasks to perform in furthering Kingdom interests." WT 2001 1/15 p. 28-31

  • Balaamsass2

    Again, this site is independent of Watchtower.

    Based on a conversation with a relative who was a member of the Bethel legal dept., multiple Bethelies were assigned to monitor this type of site. (I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance this would cause.) :) lol -imagine the turnover!

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