wt organizationthimk (last week's study)

by waton 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • waton

    for those who want to see how bad it really is, 2 thoughts:

    1) the article says "Jehovah" gave gifts in men, but the bible in Gal: 6 clearly mentions the one who ascended into heaven as the one, Jesus, their reigning king, that does provides these " the captives.

    Of course when wt writers say Jehovah they really mean the wt society. and Local elders, ms, really are wt appointees, now done by the CO, a man with no assets.

    As Jesus said, about these "gifts"" whoever wants to be great among you (or be god's gift to men (and women), must be your slave. So, is that not nice to have all these slaves working for you?

    2) Among others, it mentions a couple having to quit their full time assignment because they unexpectedly were expecting ---a baby. Took them a year to get over the disappointment , losing their appointment. Really, what warped values promoted by wt as examples.

    * thimk a joke by IBM employees to spoof the slogan "think" that was displayed in their offices to further their corporate cult-ure.

  • JWTom

    The article in last Sunday's WT also went back to saying that these men are appointed by Holy Spirit. Which the org. has been waffling on for quite some time now. I find it hilarious that the org. goes back and forth between saying that no one on earth is "Inspired by Holy Spirit" anymore. I have sat 3 feet away from a current GB member and he told me....GB are not inspired! But then in articles and talks....everything is being done by holy spirit and all decisions are done by holy spirit...

    So which is it, holy spirit is helping everyone make decisions or no one is inspired by holy spirit???? LOL

  • waton
    I have sat 3 feet away from a current GB member

    JT: but surely that was not on a wednesday, when they act as the Government of the erathly part of the universal Org.? right?

    wt has "spirit directed" taken out of their baptism questions, that do not conform to the formula Jesus stipulated anyway.

    Wt control over the flock is maintained by thes"shepherds"and the wt meetings are designed to strengthen that stranglehold.

    (shepherds are the most dangerous individuals to the sheep, more sheep die, are fleeced because of their work.)

    wt is actually distancing itself from some of JC's or Paul's teachings, too churchy.

  • oppostate

    according to the GB they are not inspired but they are guided by spirit, although they took that out of the baptismal questions

  • fastJehu


    There is NO difference between "inspired" and "guided by spirit".

    *** w03 7/1 p. 14 par. 20 “Look! This Is Our God” ***

    Through his use of such imperfect humans, Jehovah provided just what we need—a record that is “inspired of God” yet retains the human element. (2 Timothy 3:16) Yes, those writers were guided by holy spirit. They thus recorded Jehovah’s wisdom, not their own. That wisdom is perfectly trustworthy.

    There own literature shows, that bible writers "were guided by holy spirit".

    It's a differentiation without difference - handmade by cult leaders.

    The GB want authority - as if they where inspired...

    but ...

    ... without the accountability - which they would have, if they were inspired.

  • waton
    they are guided by spirit,

    os: The spirit guided Jesus too, into the desert to be tempted . . Some of the guidance that has come out of Brooklyn/ Warwick was sorely tempting too.

    if things go off the rails, it is for our testing. It is all for your good from the org. trust me.

  • JWTom


    There is NO difference between "inspired" and "guided by spirit".

    Exactly, there is no difference. So many are brainwashed into just believing whatever is said even if it is contradictory....it is insane!

  • waton
    authority- without the accountability - which they would have, if they were inspired.

    fJ: by claiming to be spirit appointed (down to a ms) and using the gifts of the spirit, they can load all the baggage onto god.

    1914, 1925, 1075, malawi, rejection of alternate service, all god's fault. all for our testing.

  • Funky

    Incidentally, this is one (of a few thousand) of my peeves with the NWT.

    How on earth can you translate Ephesians 4:8 as "gifts in men"?

    The Greek says "to", virtually all other translations say "to", the context implies "to"....

    It doesn't even make sense in English, grammatically. If I hand out gifts to all my employees, and the gifts are all boxes of candy, I don't say "for your bonus, I'm giving you gifts in candy". That just sounds goofy and bizarre, what, there's a hidden prize inside when I bite down on my Snickers bar? I would say "I'm giving you gifts of candy".

    I guess maybe it might make sense if you assume there is an implied "in the form of" as in "he gave gifts in the form of men" but while I'm no Greek scholar, there seems to be an absolutely zero chance of an implied "in the form of" there where you simply read "to".

    Example number 3,856 of the WTS coming up with some bizarro doctrine, then cherry-picking a barely conceivable/grammatically allowable translation of the Greek text to support that weird doctrine and make it somehow "Biblical".

  • FedUpJW

    Sunday's WT also went back to saying that these men are appointed by Holy Spirit.

    An elder said that very thing as the reason I should have been obeying whatever they said to do, think, or say.

    While I no longer have it at hand I did at that time have a copy of a study WT that gave the experience of a twenty something MS that was removed after confessing to viewing and masturbating since HE WAS TWELVE YEARS OLD! And related how disappointed he was to be removed. I pointed out that article and experience and asked if he was in fact appointed BY Holy Spirit why did HS allow him to be baptized, later recommended as MS, and allow him to lie when asked the pre-announcement questions?

    Deer in the headlights look, and quickly said he had some other matters he must attend to.

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