for those who want to see how bad it really is, 2 thoughts:
1) the article says "Jehovah" gave gifts in men, but the bible in Gal: 6 clearly mentions the one who ascended into heaven as the one, Jesus, their reigning king, that does provides these " the captives.
Of course when wt writers say Jehovah they really mean the wt society. and Local elders, ms, really are wt appointees, now done by the CO, a man with no assets.
As Jesus said, about these "gifts"" whoever wants to be great among you (or be god's gift to men (and women), must be your slave. So, is that not nice to have all these slaves working for you?
2) Among others, it mentions a couple having to quit their full time assignment because they unexpectedly were expecting ---a baby. Took them a year to get over the disappointment , losing their appointment. Really, what warped values promoted by wt as examples.
* thimk a joke by IBM employees to spoof the slogan "think" that was displayed in their offices to further their corporate cult-ure.