LizD thank you for sharing your story and being so brave!
Oregon: JW sexual abuse suspect arrested
by AndersonsInfo 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Liz, I can't imagine what you went through. You are so brave.
I have a close personal friend that was brought up in a JW household and was sexually abused from the age of 4 or 5 until around 12 by her older brother. She didn't tell her parents until she was in her late 30's, so it wasn't a JW cover-up. Her parents chose not to believe her. JW's sure do have a messed up way of dealing with these things.
Liz, you are among the brave who will stand up to idiot parents who are now in your case shitting themselves for what they have done. Charged! They damn well should be charged as accessories as should the faecal elders.
Turn on the blinding lights of Justice and see the rats run for cover.!!
Liz you may consider seeking the ear of the law firm that helped out Candace Conti.
Could some one here bring up the lawyers name please. Its like Zalkin or some thing like that.
I rue the day I ever set foot in a kh.
Nathan Natas
Candace Conti's attorney is Richard J. Simons of Furtado, Jaspovice & Simons, Address: 22274 Main St, Hayward, CA 94541 Phone: (510) 582-1080.
uh oh...
From elsewhere on JWD: " Furtado, Jaspovice & Simons has just recently shuttered its office, and Simons is planning to scale down his practice as he eyes retirement."
Nathan Natas
Another possibility might be Greg Love and Kimberly Norris of Ft. Worth Texas.
I don't know what their status is. I hope they haven't retired too.
Nathan Natas
Love + Norris
6001 River Oaks Blvd
Suite 400
Fort Worth, TX 76114817-732-7100
case was given to zalkin. just called.... I think I am gonna melt....
never a jw
Zalkin is the right man! Bring shame to the Watchtower, be compensated to the maximum limits allowed by the courts, but mainly be a hero and a model of bravery to those victims who remain in the shadows, and a savior to those who remain unprotected from the Watchtower gross callousness.
Nathan Natas
LizD, I'm curious about why you chose Zalkin. How did you get his contact info? I'm asking because there are TWO Zalkin Law Firs in the US - one on each coast. Which did you go with?