Didn't go to memorial this year

by silent 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • silent

    My wife and I had business to attend to out of town today and I had thought if we made it back home in time, we'd go to the Memorial. As it turned out, we didn't get home in time and we missed it, but we had a real good talk with each other on the way home. We are largely successful faders and at the very least, I like to try and make the Memorial. Now I do understand there are haters, lovers, and in-betweeners on this board and I respect every one's decisions as to their views of the Witnesses. I told my wife, "Isn't it a sad situation that I have a sincere interest in worshiping my Creator, but the people have made it a very trying task to go to the point they have come between me and my Creator." Growing up a Witness has conditioned me quite severely and dogmatically to think that nothing I do is ever good enough so why try? I couldn't seem to do anything right and when I confessed over some minor things that bothered me years ago, boy did those elders swoop in and drag me into the backroom on a regular basis and of course everyone sees you going in and coming out. It just reinforced my attitude of nothing I ever do is good enough and it's a totally logical conclusion you come to when you're raised in this religion.

    So now when I go to the occasional meeting, I am struck with this fight or flight reflex. I can hardly sit still and I want to stand up and bolt for the door - I physically jerk in my seat it's that bad. The times I've gone I try to bolt out right after the prayer or during the song and of course I get the cold stares and looks. I could have gone to the Memorial in the city I was in, but due to me being unshaven, dressed in my work clothes, and not far enough away to the point some people wouldn't recognize me, I told my wife I just couldn't do it due to the judging I would undergo. The religion and the people in it have caused me so much grief and torment that I just can't stand to go back. I physically suffer for about 4 days after attending with depression and symptoms that are very much akin to PTSD - trauma from being in an environment that is toxic to my system.

    Sadly it has come to this, and yet I still feel that little something that makes me want to be grateful to a loving Creator and worship Him happily. So how does one go about worshiping properly when you believe most of the teachings of the Witnesses and yet can't stand the very people that are supposed to believe the same as you? It's a weird conundrum to be in and one I never thought I'd find myself in.

    On top of all of this, there was a situation years ago where a well-known elder was involved in some serious wrongdoing and in the end, he didn't get disfellowshipped. I then realized it really was the good ol' boys club and people get df'd all the time for far less. The emotional ups and downs and inner turmoil that I perpetually experienced finally drove me to fade in order to protect myself and my mental sanity. Let's just say that when I don't go to the meetings, I don't have to be under the supervision of a medial doctor.

    I'm curious if any of you on the board have experienced similar situations as mine and how did you deal with it? When I lay down the basic beliefs that I have proven to myself are true, it still comes back to the only religion that fits most of what I believe are the Witnesses. Is there any way possible to worship without selling out and attending a church that doesn't believe the same as me (again - what's the point?) or is there any way to worship as a Witness without having to be around the people? I guess it gets into defining what worship is and being able to scripturally prove that worship is legitimate without the hierarchy, people, and building involved. Matthew 18:19, 20 comes to mind.

    Thanks for reading my post and I hope you had a great Memorial Day however you spent it.


  • FayeDunaway
    Silent, re-examine those doctrines. Look at outside info. By their fruits you will know them...and they have shown that they are not true disciples. Start over. Pray for direction.
  • Alive!

    I do understand what you mean regarding that PTSD. For a long time, the meetings were making me ill.

    I'd vomit before going....I was so stressed..the stress grew as my husband and I felt the cold distance of being 'socially shunned" - we were not under reproof and certainly not disfellowshipped - we'd been irregular for nearly a year as we sorted out some deeply private and difficult problems....when we went back we needed love, support and good cheer as we were thriving and earnest to just "get on" and do our best, be part of the congregation.

    I remember crying on the way home so often - I felt so lonely - and once upon a time, we'd been in such a different situation - guess we dropped the ball meeting wise and we were left on the outside.

    The elders knew what we'd been through - and you'd think they would want to be the family nest we needed so badly - as we had no family who were witnesses and who lived locally.

    We didn't go to the memorial this year or last year - although we had a couple of texts reminding us in a kind way.

    These days, the date isn't really a biggie for me - I can ponder on the meaning anytime, any day.

    Take care.

  • DesirousOfChange

    First time to miss it. That was really, really a big deal for us. We plan to just tell anyone who asks about it that we went to the "other" one.

    We stayed in and enjoyed our own little celebration with (ciabatta) bread & (Cabernet) wine. First time we were able to "partake".


  • LostGeneration

    Which beliefs are you clinging to that you feel the witnesses have some sort of monopoly on? There are quite a few religions out there, a buffet so to speak. You probably can find one that fits your system with a few hours of online research.

    Or why not just live your religion privately? Give of yourself where you can and to causes you support. You don't need some heirarchy to tell you do this or do that. Its a pretty damn good feeling to just do good things on your own because YOU want to do it.

  • smiddy


    You have been on this board for seven years and you still feel this way ?

    I`m sorry something just does not add up .

    Maybe you are one of those people who have left the religion , but the religion has never left you .

    You are swayed by emotions and feelings and not by facts , you need to exercise your brain to sift through the facts of J.W.teachings since their beginnings , otherwise I think you are mentally lazy , and will drift like a cork on the seas , swaying this way and that according to the waves.

    Seriously , I don`t mean to be offensive , but you need to do some serious research.


  • Tornintwo

    Hey silent. You are in the limbo stage of half in half out, I was only there for about 6 months and I felt like I was having a breakdown. Once youve made the decision to walk away and make a clean break, you will start to heal, for your own mental state you have to do that.

    in terms of your faith, read In Search of Christian Freeedom by Ray Franz, he negates the need of an organisation and together with Crisis of Conscience, reveals the false practices and doctrines of the org. If you do feel you need a church, find a tolerant, non offensive one. We know now the witnesses have got a great deal wrong in terms of their hierarchy, judgementalism, lack of love, judicial process, shunning, blood, birthdays, worship of the governing body etc...... . So why is it such a big deal to attend somewhere that might have some other doctrines wrong. Let's face it the chances are they're all a bit wrong, if there is God, then he hasn't made it very clear.

  • John Free
    John Free

    Hello Silent!

    I expect your feelings are more intense at the moment as yest was memorial night. You've described a control group silent, the standards set are unachievable high so as time passes members assume they are the problem - leading to feelings of guilt, depression, etc. If you've not yet done so read Hassan's book 'combating cult mind control' - it will help your recovery. Best wishes to you!

  • slimboyfat
    Missed my first memorial in over two decades.
  • Crazyguy
    Every time I start thinking of going back to meeting so as to maybe be in a better situation to slowly free my kids From The cult I start getting a headache and it progressively gets worse. I feel your pain.

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