I love that too, "apathy carts" and the jws faces at those carts proves it.
When I was "regular pioneering" I learned all the tricks of the trade from older jws how to stretch my reporting time. I figured that one morning my time spent was really
1) meeting with the group and waiting 1/2 hour for jws that were perennially late.
2) after the late ones showed, still standing around talking socially for another 1/2 hour before anyone went out to get in the vehicles
3) taking 20 minutes to give out blocks for each pair to call on
4) 10 minutes before knocking on the first door
5) because the territory was made up of people who were never at home I spent 1 hour talking to no one except my partner
6) Everyone decided it was time for a break, went to the local cafe where we met 2 other groups also stopping for "coffee" which was really a big breakfast. 45 minutes later everyone said it was time to go home saying they would be stopping to talk to someone that were on their "magazine route" "to keep their time going."
Everyone else reported the time from the moment they walked out their door to when they walked back into through their door. I was uncomfortable with that but I realized I would never reach the hour quota each month unless I did.
I once told an elder that if jws worked on a commission like most sales people did, were only paid based on the real results they showed (payment: everlasting life on a paradise earth), and had to report real converts each month to get paid, jws might be more productive/effective.
Fake it until you make it (your time) was a phrase I adapted to this situation.
Even the WTS tells its members not to be discouraged if they never make a convert, that the important is to be out there. But now the WTS is giving detailed instructions in the WT study articles on how to be more effective. More jws dying (boomer generation) and few coming in, mostly next generation children, and more of those are leaving as they reach the age of majority. Less numbers = less money coming in; less men to do the admin stuff in the congregation.