A newspaper article quotes a JW as saying "Every (letter) I put in the mailbox, I feel, 'Ah, this could reach somebody.'" The article also quotes her as saying "We are accomplishing even more now than we were door-to-door because this way everybody in the house gets a chance to pick up that letter and respond to it. It just feels good." An online version of the article appears at https://pamplinmedia.com/pt/507924-406294-no-knocking-for-jehovahs-witnesses-in-beaverton-due-to-covid-19 and another link is at https://pamplinmedia.com/bvt/15-news/507924-406294-no-knocking-for-jehovahs-witnesses-in-beaverton-due-to-covid-19. I added the bold facing for emphasis in the above quote.
Do you folks think the letter writing form of witnessing reaches more people than the door-to-door form of witnessing? If it does, it might stimulate growth in the JW religion.