Changes In Canada

by LetTheTruthBeKnown 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • LetTheTruthBeKnown

    I am surprised no one has mentioned what is going on in Canada.

    Maybe they have but I missed it. So here are some of the facts as I know them. Ontario Only.

    Sault St. Marie had their six congregations whittled down to two. All their Kingdom Halls were sold or is up for sell and a new bigger was built. From what I have heard it was more people moving away that caused this. Probably no work.

    Major re-org of all territories in Ontario.

    In Eastern Ontario the following congregations are gone. May be more, but this is what I know so far.

    Ingleside (Hall to be sold)

    Gananoque (Lansdowne)

    Cornwall (French) – to be sent to English congregation.

    Meadowlands (Ottawa) – Thorn in the side of the WT forever. It has now been taken care of. LOL.

    Blossom Park (Ottawa)

    Some publishers who used to drive 10 minutes to their Hall, now have to drive 30 – 45 minutes. Not sure how that will go over.

    Cedarhill (Ottawa) has now 187 publishers. Wow!!!

    Rideau (Ottawa) has 140 publishers.

    We used to split at about 120 publishers.

    There are really no Kingdom Halls to sell in Ottawa as they were sold years back to build the Assembly/Kingdom Hall building. They were offered 25 million for it years back. Not sure how much they can get for it now, as there is a lot of mold.

    They were going to renovate an old Post Office in Vanier (Ottawa) to make a very big Hall, but after taking all the donations and money, they shelved the project. Works every time.

    My feeling is that the demographics are changing and even though the rejigging has caused some congregations to be bursting at the seams, in time they will just get smaller. Of course all of these changes are moot if someone does not want to drive 30 minutes, and they go where they want.

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  • redvip2000

    Not only is this good for the Org, because they can sell real estate, but by combining congos, all of a sudden the sheeple now see a full hall and are encouraged.

    Of course this also means that the overall number of members continues to go down.

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  • ToesUp

    WT thoughts on this...."if we cram them all into one building, they will think and believe there is tremendous growth in the org."

    The sheeples will believe anything. Their heads will bob up and down and believe the growth is amazing! lol

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  • waton

    some of these congregations probably were supported by "specisl" pioneers, had cost the wt money to found, support, now gone, but it was a testing ground for Gilead candidates.

    wt dreams of a seamless web covering the Earth on the backs of it's slaves --gone.

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  • Vidiot

    This doesn’t surprise me at all.

    Over the past 30 years, Prince George, British Columbia went from 9 congregations down to 5.

    I have it on good authority that the Peace Country area of Alberta has had similar consolidations and KH sales, too.

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  • MacHislopp

    Hello LetTheTruthBeKnown

    thanks for te ... good news. I'm wondering about the contributions/donations!

    I'm hoping that they will experience a drastic, very drastic fall...


    J.C. MacHislopp

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  • jookbeard

    thanks for that info LTTBK, keep us up to date whenever you get more news in Canada

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  • Moster

    Dad says they are selling halls, so they can get the money to build them in Africa.

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  • wannaexit

    LetTheTruthBeKnown: I can add a few more sold

    Elmira ontario -Hall sold rank and file having to go drive further to get to the meeting

    London Ontario- I believe they went from 11 to 7

    Sarnia- huge kh sold

    Essex ont sold

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  • StephaneLaliberte
    I can attest that they are indeed shifting everything around in Ottawa. I've heard that one of the french congregations over at the Aylmer assembly hall is moving to Gatineau hall to make space for the english congregation that will me moving in. Apparently that they are looking to make a 160 publishers congregation.
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