BOE: 2016-03-21 Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India”

by wifibandit 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

      Probably just a rumor but I heard that women in India who become Witnesses, in order to cut their former religious ties, are required to put the letters JW and Org on either side of the red Dot they often have tattooed on their forehead.

      • SnakesInTheTower

        I almost married a dub sister in india. Then only 50K dubs in a country of a billion. And they did not beat to the same tune as the boys in Brooklyn. I am sure the Org is milking this one, but why? I will say, the country of India does have wierd regulations. Don't even think of trying to send gold, even a necklace of only black hills gold. Time consuming and expensive.

        Glad I got out of that relationship, and shortly after, the cult.


      • steve2
        The Watchtower has been "active" in India for well over 100 years. Their growth is infinitesimal compared to the billion plus (and growing) population.

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