The Watchtower Society is supposed to be without racial prejudice. God's channel would be expected to be unlike the world in its ungodly views. Yet, the Watchtower magazine as well as other publications at times spoke of the black race as accursed, uneducated and unable to adequately teach the Word thru the publications. As a matter of fact, they were discouraged from pioneering at one time because they were regarded as so unlearned, that to pass out literature and read and teach people was considered a waste. Yet, God is not partial and he certainly doesn't look at a person's color or heritage to determine whether he will approve of them........For those that might say,"Well, that was said along time ago and the Society has changed", I say, "That's not the point". The Household og God should be without blemish and the attitudes that exist, even today in the congregations, show that prejudice still does abound.
"There Is No Servant InThe World As a Good Colored Servant"
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
references please otherwise you'll be committing what the WTBTs does. quote without credit.
Actually, I 've recently read that's from a long, long time ago, but damned if I know from which publication.
Randy Watters has an article posted on his site entitled: BLACKS AND THE WATCHTOWER. All the references are in that article. It's also on WT.Observer. Here are the references. WT.of August 1 1898 Page 230, July 15 1902 page 215-216, Oct.1 1900 page 296-297, April 1 191? page 105 and Goldn Age July 24, 1929 page 702.
Thank you, minimus.
I hope Brother Herd did his research too before joining the GB!
I've met Brother Herd. He's of a different mold.
Aren't coloreds better servants though?
But aren't they better at most things? Better dancers, singers, love-makers? Bwhahaha!!!!
I'd like to know when exactly, the politically incorrect "coloreds" changed to "black". ......Maybe Charles Taze Russell was trying to say that the "faithful and Discreet (Wise) Servant was actually "colored"??? ........btw, What does "colored" mean???
LOL @ SP, good one!
well, I think its an urban myth <runs for cover>
Why run for cover? I'm no singer. . I'm no dancer. . .BUT. . .