The earth doesn't move, folks.
just like the bible says.
You'll either research or you won't. Simple as that.
Which NASA photo below is real?
by Jrjw 315 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The earth doesn't move, folks.
just like the bible says.
You'll either research or you won't. Simple as that.
Which NASA photo below is real?
If this subject is of interest, you might enjoy the book, Longitude - TD
Outstanding book. I have it on the shelf behind me right now.
Anti-science dullards are missing out so much on the awesomeness of reality.
I haven't seen anti science dullards here yet but let's not start calling people names just because we disagree with them. If we're all going to start throwing rocks at eachother, we may as well just throw in the towel and not come back, that's not what this forum is for. And I don't mean just you cofty.
Surely someone here realized that you can have a model that perfectly explains all experiments and all observations and yet that model may still be incorrect? Maybe it would be incomplete or perhaps the proponents have simply not taken enough data points to reach the limitations of the model but this can happen. If the proponents are not careful, they will start to think that their carefully crafted model is the absolute truth. Not realizing that it breaks down upon closer inspection and further investigation. Lets not act like religious zealots here, we've come to far. (I am not calling names here, just suggesting not to act out)
they will start to think that their carefully crafted model is the absolute truth
Planet earth is an ellipsoid. That is an absolute truth.
If you doubt that you are an anti-science dullard.
Surely someone here realized that you can have a model that perfectly explains all experiments and all observations and yet that model may still be incorrect?
I don't disagree (As long as we're talking about theoretical models) but that's not true in this particular case. The flat earth model is deeply flawed
More than that, it requires you to reject entire disciplines as fraudulent. --Astronomy, astrophysics, navigation, cartography just to name a few.
You'll either research or you won't. Simple as that.
Which NASA photo below is real?
Answer: 74.
If this subject is of interest, you might enjoy the book, Longitude - TD
Me too. Great book.
Cofty Perhaps repeating the name-calling will one day make it true - that's an interesting theory there.
TD Theoretical models is pretty much all we have. Every model is Absolute Truth (see cofty) until it's falsified, revised or rejected.
The scientific version of New Light® I suppose. If your entire discipline is built on math and computer models then it's still deep in the theory stage. Even though you may have some observations and data, your interpretation of them + the assumptions that the math is good, might lead to a good-enough approximation but it's still theory and until you can actually go out there and test it, it will remain theory. Theory may be Absolute Truth® but it is not absolute truth.
I would agree that many of the flat earth models are deeply flawed (there's more than 1) some more than others. Not all of them reject all of the disciplines you mentioned though. I'm not defending them (flat earth models) actually, I was calling out the bogus roundie arguments from PopSci. They should have known better.
Information has no shape.
Not all of them reject all of the disciplines
Show me
Judging from the material you posted, I'm not sure proponents even understand how they are rejecting those disciplines.
You have heard of the famous double-slit experiment? Well, if you modify the experiment to use three slits instead of two, suddenly the light interference pattern is in the shape of Jesus. Ergo, flat earth.