Woe woe kiaros, hold on.... you just said
“Have you spent 100s, if not 1000s of hours researching the ancient megaliths?
No? Then how do you know about them. For example, how did 'they' move the huge cut and machined red granite blocks 500 hundred miles from the Aswan quarry to the inner chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza? ”
That wasnt the original point you made.
I called you a moron and stupid because of this gem, from you, 13 hours ago. And i quote:
I like the FACT that the ancient builders of the world's megaliths not only accomplished tasks still not attainable by modern technology, they also thought the earth was flat.
I then cited obvious examples of modern engineering exceeding the pyramids by 6x, and that on height alone.
How about you address your incredibly stupid statement from 13 hours ago. If you mean its a mystery as to how they built them (as i said in my post a few hours ago) then we have no argument. You also have no point. But what you said, as i quoted above, was that modern man cant match those feats. That makes you an idiot. Its not an insult, per say, just an observation of your iq. Your a dullard and buffoon. You likely need help to help tie your shoes.
Please, clarify and retract your unbelievably stupid statement, admit that modern civilization could easily build the pyramids and we can move on or stand by your superior level of stupid and let all on the forum witness what imbecile you are.