Midweek Meeting looooooooong prayers.

by Davros 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Davros

    One thing that aggravates me is long concluding prayers, especially at the midweek meeting.

    You work all day, rush home, grab a quick bite, dress up in meeting clothes.

    Then, go to the meeting. Listen to not only the parts, but the comments, most of which are just so repetitive. Yes, Sister Self-Righteous just made the same point 2 comments ago. Then listen to the recap and what’s coming up next week.

    THEN, they call on Brother Blabbermouth who doesn’t shut up to give the concluding prayer, but he’s not really giving a prayer, he’s giving another talk, it’s ANOTHER recap of the meeting and it’s the same points we just heard three or more times already.

    It’s late, most people are tired and want to go home. But Brother Blabbermouth won’t shut the blank up. 5 to 7 minute prayer sometimes. Drives me nuts.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Jehovah 22 times

    Most high. Illustrious, supreme, grand, .....

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  • newsheep

    and we pray all this through your son Jesus and his faithful and discreet slave, Amen. No lie this is how Dion in Elmira would finish his ten minute recap of the midweek meeting prayer. I opened my eyes and thought WTH? He also prays through the FDS as well? Nope I'm done!!!

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  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Oh...how I can relate to this thread! You'd think Davros & I attend the same congregation! Aside from the long repetitive prayers...there's those elders and ministerial servants who repeatedly mention 'Jehovah' over and over and over again. The most I've counted someone saying 'Jehovah' in a prayer was 15 times.

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  • Overrated

    Just like at those damn convention, Jehober this and that, I got the point 2 seconds ago! Now hurry and finish up even jehober is tried of hearing their crap.

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  • Phizzy

    I remember two funny occasions where loooooooong Prayers were involved, the first was at a Circuit Convention, the guy went on and on, obviously trying to impress the C.O and D.O. with how "spiritual" he was, all of a sudden, a bro from our Congregation had had enough,and slammed his briefcase shut, stood up and loudly said " I've had enough of this !" and stomped out ! I really admire him for that !

    The second was when an Elder was obviously the worse for drink, he had been slurring his words when he took one of the parts on the Service Meeting, some fool asked him to do the final prayer, not only did it go on, it was incomprehensible and the slurring had got worse !

    He was taken to task at the next meeting by the other Elders, and admitted he had enjoyed " just a Wee Dram" ( he was Scottish) before coming to the meeting, but said he has mixed it by mistake with some Anti-biotics he was taking, and they had multiplied the effects of that Wee Dram ! They accepted his excuse, and no further action was taken .

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  • Iamallcool
    Off Topic. I remember an elder only said Jehovah Thank you so much for this fine meeting! I pray thru your son jesus name amen. I was stunned about the very short prayer. My Dad said he gave a very good prayer! LOL!
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  • 1234

    By the way the record is Knorr at the end of the 1958 convention in New York City almost 45 mins.

    Yes, I had that problem too up to 19 years ago.Then something strange happened I stop going to these stupid meetings after 50 years of them.

    "Doctor it hurts when I put my finger in my eye!"

    "Don't put your finger in your eye!"

    I see......

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  • Giordano

    Way back in the day like very early 1960's we had a visit by the Circuit Servant or CO. He was invited to have lunch with a good and decent JW family and I was invited.

    The CO was known for his long prayers.

    Now this family had an old dog who was beloved and tolerated.

    One thing he did was to lay under the dinning room table during a meal. Knowing this dog pretty well I was surprised that they didn't lock him up.

    We didn't know he was under the table until the CO started his prayer. It was like all long winded prayers as it didn't amount to anything just to impress.

    The dog was not impressed it began to whine. It also stuck his head in every person's crotch to get a little attention.

    Which of course set off a round of laughter...... the kind that starts with a hushed sort of giggle. As the dog made his rounds everybody lost control except the CO he kept mumbling JW this and JW that.

    I do believe that dog didn't head bump him but I did hear a soft growl.

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  • truth_b_known

    When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. Matthew 6:7 NWT

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