Shouldn't they say thanks for" holding down the fort" until we take over?
why would God and Jesus hate the united nations?
by nowwhat? 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Because they are the scarlet coloured wild beast?
James Mixon
Because they are trying to unite people, that's not God's plan.. From
the beginning God's plan, division among mankind....
Actually it's because God is so jealous, he doesn't want anyone else to get the praise, pretty childish me thinks.
According to God's Kingdom Rules! the "wild beast," meaning the UN, will, with the support of the "ten horns" which allegedly represent all the countries that support the UN, attack and destroy the Babylon the Great. I presume that, according to JW belief, the UN will also attack the "true religion" after the attack on the Babylon the Great turns out to be unsuccessful against the JWs.
Here is the relevant passage from God's Kingdom Rules! ch. 21 ¶6:
Who or what will carry out the attack against “Babylon the Great”? A “wild beast” with “ten horns.” The book of Revelation indicates that this wild beast refers to the United Nations (UN). The ten horns represent all present political powers that support this “scarlet-colored wild beast.” (Rev. 17:3, 5, 11, 12) How devastating will the attack be? The nations of the UN will plunder the prostitute’s wealth, devour her, and “completely burn her.”—Read Revelation 17:16.
James Mixon
OK so the UN will attack "Babylon the great", and then they will look around and ask, who
are we to attack now? JW's our next target. Who??? Man you talk about self-importance and
James Mixon - OK so the UN will attack "Babylon the great", and then they will look around and ask, who are we to attack now? JW's our next target. Who??? Man you talk about self-importance and arrogance...
I imagine most would respond with an oblivious question, "Who?" I don't think literally anyone of the people that I know have any idea about what JWs actually believe and teach. But... hey... they'll be persecuted (read: questioned about child sexual abuse, shunning, and refusal of blood transfusions) anyway!
Probably every JW outside of the US has wondered why the UN is supposedly so evil.... probably the Watchtower were just playing on the American distrust of the UN that existed due to the inclusion of the Soviet Union & Red China. A cold war slogan was 'UN is two letters in the word communism'.
Just silly really, as the UN does a lot of good
And the WT religion joined the UN for approximately 10 years until their hypocricy was a UK journalist
The United Nations actually responds when the Jehovah's Witnesses cry out for help and protection from religious persecution. This of course only occurs after the JWs have prayed to Jehovah, through Jesus, for help and received no reply.