Jeff lol
Do You Believe In A “Deep State”?
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
There is no doubt that the liberals have put in place a deep state and they are active. We saw it a lot the past four years with all the resistance to Trump.
The deep state is organized but stealthy.
You would have to be an idiot to believe Oswald acted alone. JFKs head was blown off from a shot taken in front of the car that forced him back into his seat and his brains and scalp on the trunk.
I guess when Trump declassifies the JFK files as he walks out the door the world will know.
I guess when Trump declassifies the JFK files as he walks out the door the world will know.
Has he said he’ll do that?? Wow how to make yourself super popular with the proletariat in one fell swoop!
And this website continues to inch ever closer to QAnon territory.
As a certain person might say: Sad.
resolute Bandicoot
Funky -
And this website continues to inch ever closer to QAnon territory.
As a certain person might say: Sad.
Glad that you mentioned that Funky, very interesting topic, this video explains it all way better than I could hope to - In search of a flat earth, bit slow in the start but well worth a watch if you want a good look into Qanon phenomenom -
resolute Bandicoot
Further to my last, that does not mean that there is not a "deep state".