It was rather quick one. In just few months and after attending all of their meetings and giving them a nice show, I'm back to the Org!!! (what a relief-sarcastic laugh)
For someone who was out, more than 17 years it is quite a shocking experience. Nothing reminds me of the WT that I knew and grew up back in the 80's as a teenager and the 90's. The entire dogma changed, meetings changed, the songs changed. I was quite surprised to see WT going complete online and on the internet. While back in my days, internet was devil's tool, now WT is completely on line. You can download the magazines, books(for sure not the old ones from Russell/Rutherford era, or even Franz, since they now consist apostate material), Kingdom Ministry, or whatever is called now and the Bible, they even have TV!!!
I recall in my youth WT was focusing to create preachers with skills, now they suggest to have a tablet and show the message from WT's website to the people the meet in the preaching work. In the Ministry School (still remember the old names) there are now videos, cartoons, and video optical material...
Most of Jw's children, and that includes elder's children as well, are seeking for higher education.
I don't know what the future will be for the WT, but the quality of the meetings and comments, are so poor. Most of the JW's have no clue in regards of past teachings and failed prophesies, plus I believe the majority of JW's are tired and trying to live a normal life.
In one of the recent WT Study articles, it was a comment of Jesus being King for 102 years! And I nearly say it loud: " so 1000 years of the Kingdom are down to 900 since Jesus rules from 1914. So He has less than 900 to bring mankind to perfection...."
Hopefully I will follow the plan and in few months I will start to miss meetings, and become inactive again