Well, I really don't want to encourage revenge... but I found Nathan Natas's suggestion helpful. Getting some occult items would scare the hell out of them. And that says something because they don't believe in hell.
It won’t be much longer now.
by Tameria2001 20 Replies latest jw friends
Last time I set foot in a KH was for my father's funeral (2003) It helped A LOT to have partaken of some peach schnapps in the parking lot 😊 Really helps with the "who cares" attitude and keeps a slight smile on your face 🍸
Go and hold your head high and don't worry about anyone else. Yes, they will be bothered, because they don't understand it when people leave the religion and and doing well, but that shouldn't be your motivation. Your motivation is that you are doing the right thing in supporting your husband, and taking the higher road and being the better person.
Pete Zahut
I've had a few situations where I've encountered former JW's I used to know, who's opinions were supposed to matter to me. One time I was dressed nicely for a summer evening out at party at my bosses house. I ducked into a store to pick up some wine ran across a couple that my wife and I used to be close with. For a half second I couldn't place who they were and once I did, I could tell it annoyed them that the person who they were working hard at punishing, didn't even notice all the trouble they had been going through. Once I did recognize them, I went so far as to not use their son and daughters names when I inquired about how they were doing. " How are the Kids doing?" I asked, to which they replied "Ann is married and David is engaged". Then I said in a puzzled forgetful way "That's right...Ann and David...well congratulations....now you guys just had the two kids right??" I could tell it bugged them that I had moved on and wasn't even thinking about their little drama and that my life obviously wasn't the train wreck they'd hoped for.
If I were you Tameria 2001 I'd go looking my best and I'd have a calm contented expression with a gentle smile on my face that conveyed that I was at peace with my life and it mattered not, what happened in the past nor what anyone there thinks of me and in fact I barely even remember anything about them.
If something controversial comes up, just be very vague, have a subtle knowing smile on your face and convey through your body language and demeanor that you haven't the foggiest notion of what they're talking about.
Wasanelder Once
An upside down crucifix. That's the ticket.
"Recently, however, it is common for the upside-down cross to be used as a symbol of atheism, humanism, and the occult. Several black metal bands use an inverted cross to call attention to their supposed devotion to Satan. Upside-down crosses appear in horror movies such as The Omen and The Conjuring as a signal of demonic activity. The symbol crops up in tattoos, on pendants, and as a logo on t-shirts. Sometimes, it is accompanied by statements such as “Believe in Yourself,” “There Is No God,” “Black Mass,” or “Not Transformed.” In these contexts, the obvious intent of the inverted cross is to declare an opposition to Christianity. Turning the cross upside down becomes a means of denying the truth of Christ and mocking His sacrifice.
So, what is the meaning of an upside-down cross? It depends on the context. When the symbol is used in a church setting, it is most likely a reference to Peter and the manner of his death. In other contexts the inverted cross is often an anti-Christian symbol. In our fallen world, holiness is often mocked and what is good and pure is twisted by the “god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4). " Google result for upside down crucifix. -
Ok, I first joined as our family was waking up,but I have not had the courage to actually post- until now. First, I am so sorry that your family did not give you the love and support you deserve,but I am glad that this was able to help you see real truth and to find out who really loves you. I think the object is to rattle them to their core. You don't want to feed into their paranoia about the outside world, instead undermine all they hold dear. I know for many years when family spoke about disfellowshiped ones they would always say,"They know it's the truth." So in your situation I would find the biggest cross I could find, preferably with alot of bling, dress in a black pantsuit, and carry a large King James Bible.Stand near the sign in book with your aunt ( don't just run to your seat like a scolded puppy). If you feel really adventurist, shout a nice Hallelujah at the end of the prayer.
I'm sorry the lack of love caused you so much pain. Take the high road, whatever that may be. Vindictiveness, however disguised always seems to consume.
Gather a list of all the child abuse cases involving jw's, make up loads of leaflets, ( "leaflets", thats a dub word is'nt it?) and then pay a student to put them under the windscreen wipers of all the cars in the carpark while the funerals on. Cant be traced back to you....
Spot on! Enjoy your life and leave them trapped in their fantasy world.
I use textfree to keep irritating people up to date with negative JW news, pedophiles, murderers ARC, etc. You could create a fake tinder account w sisters pic. When you see her, big smile and wave. For everyone else, mispronounce, or forget their or kids, spouse name. This says I think of you so little, I can't remember your name.