In the New Order they will have milled lumber, power plants, hard to believe from a group that frowns on higher education on how they will have such things. Truly a miracle indeed.
The resurrected will not get a change of clothes in the New System
by RULES & REGULATIONS 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
Anna Marina
Janusfulcrum - my guess - maybe the cylindrical thing is supposed to be a model of the Temple in Jerusalem. Given they used to have the Knight's Templar Cross and Crown on the mags, perhaps its a subliminal message telling you they are really Knight's Templars. And the fancy dress is telling you they are all actors.
An elder surprised me once by saying we were already in the 1000 year reign of Christ. I did put it to him that Satan hadn't been abyssed yet. That stumped him. But likely he stuck to his view. If so, by his logic the first resurrection has taken place.
He's very, very old now. Sadly I expect he'll die soon - it'll be his first time but if he's in the 1000 year reign it'll be his second. I'm going to look out for him on the trollies and see if he can clarify the matter.
Sea Breeze
Exactly Anna. Scripture says Satan will be chained in the abyss for 1000 years. The WT teaches that the Millennium Reign began in 1914, 108 years ago.
The WT doesn't teach that Satan is bound yet. They teach the opposite.... he's lurking in every garage sale and antique shop in the world!
So what's the deal? If the big A came tomorrow, Satan would only be chained 892 years. But scripture says 1000 years. Hmmm whom to believe?On a side note: those really are 'bout the cleanest windows I've ever seen. Guess they are figuring on having plenty of help in that department.
“that ominous looking cylindrical metal thing “
If we are looking at the same thing, I reckon it is a display cabinet for mags and brochures, with a Perspex top. - all produced by Holy Spirit, of course.
If these people are from different cultures and time periods there’s a lot they have to learn before the intricacies of the march of world powers from Daniel’s prophecy. I am thinking, how to use a flush toilet, what to do with toilet paper, how to use a knife and fork and a load of stuff we take for granted.
Once you have lost the rose tinted specs and THINK , the earthly resurrection gets ludicrous. That is sad , having believed it most of my life
I thought too that the 'cylindrical thing' was a display cabinet. It does look a bit though, like something out of Startrek. Maybe it is a cyrogenic chamber!
“that ominous looking cylindrical metal thing “
I have zoomed in on this ominous illustration drawn by the Watchtower Art Department. To all of the members reading this article and looking at this illustration means nothing, but the Watchtower Art Department ( who for some strange reason drew this out- of -place object ), are either having a great laugh or as Anna Marina wrote:
perhaps its a subliminal message telling you they are really Knight's Templars.
Anna Marina
Hint of a double cross beneath the picture if you include the grey window frame?
Link below should open up on final few minutes showing about the Knights Templars and 666 roundabout at Chelmsford. One of the few places on earth you could visit without stopping. Why stick with subliminal art when you can do subliminal road works? Also I'd love to know what happened to building 33.
Anna Marina
Hi Sea Breeze - an elder told me that Armageddon was like a Polo mint. It had a hole in it. It started in 1914, then it stopped to let the Great Crowd out. It'll start again but they have no idea when - except of course 1975 - but that went belly up for them. Normal for them, though.
Sea Breeze and Anna Marina- those windows are so clean because of young elders who had window washing businesses.